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City of Pleasanton
PC 083116
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Beaudin: There is a difference between community parks and neighborhood parks. <br />Neighborhood parks are typically more proximate to the users. They're smaller size and <br />the people who are using the parks are living nearby. Community parks are more of a <br />destination. There are exceptions here in the City of Pleasanton that have been made <br />over time and the Park and Recreation Master Plan does have some explicit criteria <br />about when a restroom is installed and that's what we see tonight as part of the staff <br />recommendation. There are on -going operations and maintenance costs that go with <br />accepting a facility like this and those are things that have to be budgeted for and <br />properly accounted and planned for, and that's really what the Park and Recreation <br />Master Plan does. So that is the staff recommendation at this time. <br />Commissioner Balch: As a former Park and Recreation Commissioner who voted for it <br />and sat on that task force I understand that. <br />Beaudin: Yes, and I'm sure the criteria were carefully thought about in terms of where <br />those kinds of facilities go and understanding the costs. <br />Commissioner Brown: The Valley Trails Homeowners Association; that is not a legal <br />entity at this time, correct? <br />Beaudin: I can't answer that. I have had this conversation with Connie Cox and with I <br />believe Ed Broom as well. My understanding is they are an affiliated group but not a <br />legal entity, but when Connie comes up it might be a great question for her tonight to <br />further clarify that point. <br />Commissioner Brown: Okay, so the ancillary question is, if the answer is no and it is not <br />a legal entity, does that mean that if the clubhouse was designated, then it would have <br />to be open to the public and they would have equal rights to use that facility as any <br />other member of the public. <br />Beaudin: The way the condition of approval is written, as of now, is that the <br />neighborhood can book the venue and the question is, what is the neighborhood if <br />they're not an official HOA. It's a point that has to be clarified and before we finalize the <br />project we'll have to come to some agreement on either a certain distance from the <br />amenity building if the amenity building stays in the project or a definition of the <br />neighborhood in that condition of approval. I think the intent here is to have a building <br />that serves this neighborhood for potentially a monthly meeting or smaller gatherings <br />and we want to set a number of uses per month or per year and we also want to identify <br />who's going to go into that space. <br />Commissioner Brown: Okay. There was mention in the Staff Report of the in -lieu fee <br />versus credits from a previous project with Ponderosa Homes. Is that being resolved or <br />is that still in flux? <br />Weinstein: The affordable housing agreement for the project hasn't been negotiated yet <br />so after we go through the workshop process that agreement will be negotiated and will <br />likely be requiring the applicant to pay in -lieu fees to fulfill their affordable housing <br />requirement and not build units on site. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, August 31, 2016 Page 6 of 58 <br />
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