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The Planning Commission took at a break at 9:05 p.m. and thereafter reconvened the <br />regular meeting at 9:10 p.m. <br />Chair Ritter: So I'll just recap. We just closed the public hearing so that means basically <br />that we're not accepting any more comments from residents or anybody else and we're <br />just going to discuss with staff what the process is and to try and get a resolution and <br />possibly to vote on an option. I guess we'll bring it to the Commission. Anybody want to <br />go first? <br />Commissioner Allen: I have a question. It also gives it a little bit of my position but this <br />is a staff question. I'm looking for process -wise how you suggest we would look at our <br />options. I am open to supporting the Mason's core operation and essentially I believe <br />the spirit of the original conditions of approval for this project and how it was operating <br />prior to 2008, so I'm open to that. It seemed like it was co- existing in a positive way, but <br />what that would mean is that there wouldn't be outdoor use in the future for non -Mason <br />events and even for Mason events, we want to make sure it's manageable and BBQs <br />are fine. So with that kind of positioning, I think about the findings and all, I can say I <br />can support some of the findings with that kind of position, but if it wasn't for that, I could <br />not support some of the findings. <br />So in terms of alternatives, how would you - -I don't know how my fellow Commissioners <br />feel, but if that was something people were leaning toward, how would you direct us to <br />approach looking at options? And then, we can all talk about it. <br />Weinstein: Well, these conditions —let's sort of go back one step and give you some <br />background as to how we crafted these. It was made clear hopefully in the presentation, <br />but these conditions represent our, staffs attempt at coming up with a reasonable set of <br />conditions that is sensitive to the history of this dispute, which again, as many people <br />have mentioned, has happened over the course of many, many years. So it is sensitive <br />to that but it is also cognizant of the fact that we're essentially creating, or what staff's <br />recommendation is that essentially creating a whole new CUP or a substantially <br />changed CUP with lots of new conditions. After 40 years of having this CUP, it's a <br />reasonable expectation that major changes would be made to the CUP. <br />Commissioner Allen, in regards to your point, a good starting point would be to literally <br />go through these conditions and adjust them according to the will of the Commission. <br />These are our first attempt at what we think is a reasonable set of conditions, but there's <br />no reason those couldn't be changed to reflect a prohibition on outdoor uses, Masonic <br />uses or further limitations on the use of the outdoor area for Masonic uses even, and <br />with those changes it seems like, as you suggested, the findings that we recommended <br />can be adopted but if you also have changes to the findings that reflect your <br />understanding of these conditions and how they address the impact, we can make <br />changes to those as well. <br />Commissioner Balch: I was going to suggest maybe we take a straw poll up here first. <br />Chair Ritter: I want to ask one other question. My first question was originally did staff <br />meet together with the Masons and the Millers and come up with these conditions of <br />approval list? And it doesn't sound like the answer's yes. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 22, 2016 Page 28 of 56 <br />