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PC 062216
City of Pleasanton
PC 062216
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these are the noise /music items that staff has proposed. I'm just confirming that no <br />music shall be allowed outside the building means no music of any type, amplified or <br />not and that the live or pre- recorded music; by the nature pre- recorded amplified, is that <br />purposely not included in that condition? It is probably implied given it was pre- <br />recorded. I ask so we can consider it as we move further. And lastly, a timer shall be <br />installed on the exterior light on the north side of the building; condition 39. That's great. <br />What are the times of the timer so we can work through that? Those are my questions <br />but more discussion points. <br />Chair Ritter: I just have one question. Jenny, when you put these conditions together in <br />option 3, did the Millers or the Masons or residents of the Masons look at them and give <br />you feedback on them as whether they are in favor or not in favor or 50/50? <br />Soo: Some of the conditions included are actually addressed at Miller's concern such <br />as the door, to have an STC rated door, to have the lights to the shield and the window <br />covering to be added. These are actually fully addressed issues brought by the Millers. <br />Commissioner Nagler: But to be fair, they strongly object to the permitted days to allow <br />that use? Okay. <br />Chair Ritter: Partially. I'm sure we'll hear about this. Okay, so are we okay with <br />questions? Thank you. So as you can see, we have a lot of cards here. What I would <br />ask is that you come through and talk about not the history but what we need to do <br />going forward because that's what we really have to make a decision on and we've read <br />a lot about the history and there's a lot of history. Not good history, interesting history, <br />but if you can, give us your feedback because we really want to listen to you of what we <br />think we need to do to help get this moving forward, whether it be six -weeks or <br />six- months, we're not sure. And, because there's no applicant, what we're going to do <br />is everybody gets three minutes. I'll be lenient on it for some of you because I know <br />people want to say a little more, but we're going to try and keep it to three minutes and <br />just pick out your bullets and give them to us because we really want your opinion, so. <br />Raise of hands, how many Masons are here? Okay, the rest I'm assuming are <br />residents. Okay, I'll just start here, Michael Miller please. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br />Michael Miller: Thank you and Commissioners, I appreciate very much your attention to <br />this. Staff has worked on it and we thank you very much for your time. I'd like to start by <br />posing a situation to you and bring this kind of personal so you're kind of sitting in our <br />shoes. Imagine you're in your backyard. You're having a quiet dinner with your friends <br />and suddenly you hear 200 people right across your fence line throwing a party. That <br />noise is going to be enormous. It will completely ruin your evening with your friends. The <br />next day you ask your neighbors, what's going on with all this noise? And they say, <br />well, we're renting our backyard out for parties and make some money. We say, well, <br />maybe can you keep the noise inside so we don't hear it? And they're answer is, we <br />make more money by renting out the backyard. Well, I didn't think that was allowed in a <br />residential area. You're killing us with this. Can you please just make it better? And they <br />say we like doing this. We're going to keep doing it and in fact they continue to do that. <br />Okay, this is your home, your backyard. My guess is that you'd go ballistic but in fact <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 22, 2016 Page 14 of 56 <br />
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