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PC 051116
City of Pleasanton
PC 051116
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15 homes and rear yards that back up to it, but it's not visible from any City streets. And <br />the photo - simulation that you see was taken from the backyard of the lowest home. So <br />for all the other home sites, that upper house could be well above the ridgeline you see <br />in that. Two, all the homes that can see these houses are all two -story, so it's not like <br />it's deviating from the local community. It's a good project. I ask you for your approval <br />and I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have. <br />Commissioner Nagler: Just because really, sort of the one outlier issue in your <br />application is the fact that Lot 1 is two stories, so let me just ask. Did you consider <br />putting a one -story house on the site and for some reason went to two stories? <br />Berlogar: I was looking to minimize the footprint and I honestly didn't think of it as a <br />major obstacle because on the prior project, PUD -84, the Council approved going to <br />40 feet on the upper lot instead of 30 feet in the guidelines and they gave me a 10 -foot <br />leeway and I thought that was very visible, this is almost invisible. That was my <br />reasoning. <br />Commissioner Nagler: Okay, thank you. <br />Chair Ritter: Any other questions? Okay, thank you. I'll bring it back to the Commission. <br />Any questions? <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Commissioner Allen: My only question is of the 12 or 15 private homes that can see <br />this, have we received any feedback from any of those neighbors regarding any <br />concerns about the building height? <br />Soo: No, I received one call from a neighbor on Silver Oaks. He basically just asked <br />where the proposed home is going to be located. The homeowner today came in to <br />review the plans and he's asking for the restriction on the corral amenities, but he said <br />he did not have any concern regarding the proposal and we have received no other <br />comments. <br />Commissioner O'Connor: I was I think somewhat along Justin's lines I was surprised <br />that there wasn't a proposed single story given the size of some of the lots. I usually <br />think of two story because a lot is constrained, but no, I didn't have any comments. <br />Commissioner Brown: I'm okay Chair Ritter. <br />Commissioner Nagler: The only question I had is the one I asked which is why a two <br />story when again, a one story home can certainly be accommodated on the lot and I'm <br />satisfied with the applicant's answer. I think the architecture is terrific and I don't have <br />any other questions. <br />Commissioner Balch: Yes, I completely agree with Commissioner Nagler. I think that <br />two stories did catch me but then I looked in the distance and I'm perfectly fine with it. I <br />will say I'm necessarily inclined to entertain the request for the corral restriction. I'm not <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 11, 2016 Page 9 of 12 <br />
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