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Another direction we had from staff was, we don't want to back up to Dublin Canyon <br />Road but also we want those homes as far away from Dublin Canyon Road as possible <br />very similar to Ms. Young's house, very similar to the Lesters, very similar to the all the <br />other homes, they are not right on Dublin Canyon Road. And so yes, even though we <br />wanted to cover the garage and that portion, I think that there would be light and activity <br />on all the other lots, particularly the two middle lots (3 and 4). And yet it's very <br />appropriate with the Craftsmen style, one -story home that's not going to be a <br />"McMansion" in the middle of these other country type of homes. So there will be some <br />light and activity and kind of the consensus is that just the fact that there's something <br />there will have people caution a little bit as they are speeding down that road. Of <br />course, if we put in those flashers and other things that may be effective, that could help <br />as well. <br />So keeping the country feel is important and when you look at other parts of the City, we <br />kind of compare this mostly to south of Bernal on Foothill Road and you don't see <br />sidewalks down there and actually in some of them, some of the small communities, <br />they only have sidewalks in their streets. When you go into Oak Tree Farm, Dorothea, <br />there's a couple of them down there but they don't even have sidewalks inside the <br />street to keep that country feel. <br />The second thing that I wanted to bring up and this is a very small thing, is in our <br />internal street, staff wants to have concrete sidewalks and we don't want that. We'd <br />rather have the DG, the decomposed granite. It helps us with our impervious for the soil <br />and we think that would be a better look for a small community that's trying to strive to <br />be country instead of having white gleaming sidewalks. So that was a small thing, but <br />nonetheless, we think it's important. And if the Planning Commission would so direct, <br />we would love to get rid of that sidewalk internally as well. That would be more area for <br />landscaping. That would be better to turn for vehicles, emergency vehicles or for <br />residents, so you don't have to have those sidewalks especially if you're in a 5 -lot <br />development in a country area. <br />Nagler: Another question —as you know, when the City approves zoning changes and a <br />PUD and densities are higher than were previously allowed, a public amenity is <br />required. As I understand it, you have not yet proposed a public amenity as part of this <br />zoning change request. Do you have ideas about that or you don't think it's appropriate <br />for the project? What are your thoughts? <br />Houston: I think it's very appropriate and so I think that's part of this discussion. The one <br />thing I think is a benefit to everybody is undergrounding these power lines. We don't <br />have to do that but we think it's better for the residents of that small court which we're <br />calling Walter Court, and we think that's better for all residents in the area and for the <br />people of Pleasanton. It's not a small number to do that, especially for that land. But up <br />and above that, it is only 5 lots and so we would look forward to working with either the <br />City Manager or whoever that may be as to what an appropriate contribution might be, <br />but trying to get credit for some of the amenities that we are putting out there, the <br />pedestrian flashers as we proposed, and again, this is to be fair to staff, that's not <br />something that they have heard of yet. It's just that the neighbors in the last week and a <br />half have been excited about that because traffic is an issue. So, we're obviously open <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 13, 2016 Page 12 of 26 <br />