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PC 102815
City of Pleasanton
PC 102815
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Commissioner Piper inquired about the reasoning behind having the drive -up pedestrian <br />window on this side rather than being reversed on the other side. <br />Ms. Hagen replied that it is the side of the car where the driver's window is. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br />Lisa Sunderland, Applicant, stated that they were more concerned about having a nice <br />long queue that people could be in. She noted that they originally tried to turn the T <br />around, and it did not get a long enough queue. She added that this is mostly a <br />drive -thru store, and the walk -up is a very little percentage of the business. <br />Ms. Sunderland stated that she does not have anything to add to Ms. Hagen's <br />presentation. She noted that they have worked with Ms. Hagen and Mr. Weinstein for a <br />year- and -a -half to try to get something that was equitable on both sides, a good <br />business that Pleasanton could use and would enhance the shopping center. <br />Matt Berger, Senior Vice President, Leasing, West Region, Brixmor, stated that they <br />were the owner of the shopping center. He thanked Ms. Hagen for a great presentation. <br />He referred to the slide about the future development and stated that this is something <br />they are hoping and planning to do, and they view this Starbucks as kind of a catalyst <br />event. He noted that the former CVS location is vacant now and that they are in <br />contract to purchase that. He added that they are planning to invest in the shopping <br />center, and part of that is the acquisition of the CVS, which they view as important to <br />that redevelopment. He indicated that based on the plans, they would have something <br />in the next two years that would be tenant - driven depending on what happens with the <br />CVS location. <br />Commissioner O'Connor asked for clarification that the remodel of the shopping center <br />is based on Starbucks and the tenant they get for the CVS site. <br />Mr. Berger replied that it is not solely based on the tenant but that it is not going to <br />happen until they have a tenant. He added that they have had discussions with a <br />handful of tenants. He then presented a background on their company, stating that they <br />also own the Metro 580 Shopping Center where the Walmart store is located. He <br />added that they own almost 600 properties across the country. He noted that they look <br />to control pieces of the centers, and in centers they do not own like the CVS box, they <br />redevelop them to improve the shopping centers. He added that this is something they <br />have been trying to do for a long time and that it took them over four years to get the <br />CVS deal done across the street so they could work towards this. <br />Commissioner Nagler stated that it was very good that the renderings of the remodel, as <br />preliminary as they may be, were included just because the architecture of this <br />drive -thru Starbucks is clearly at odds with what is there today. <br />Mr. Berger replied that there are some additional renderings on their website. He <br />indicated that they have added some smaller tower elements that tie in with the wood of <br />Starbucks. He noted that this is mainly a tenant demand because CVS obviously faces <br />the interior of the shopping center. He added that there is no street frontage and the <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, October 28, 2015 Page 6 of 15 <br />
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