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Commissioner Ritter said yes, as long as it complies with the nine designs in the <br />Historic Context Statement and encompasses all houses regardless of whether they <br />were built before or after 1942. <br />Commissioner Nagler indicated that his is fine with having No. 4 come back to the <br />Commission with any home within the DTSP area. <br />Commissioner Balch stated that he believes non - historic homes significantly adds to the <br />quality and value of the 88 homes and agreed that No. 4 be recommended to the <br />Council. <br />Chair Allen agreed with the Commissioners. She stated that the Survey is well done, <br />Option 2 is good and consistent with the guidelines, and that it is important for the <br />Commission to have another discussion on the houses beyond the 88 historic homes; <br />however, she does not know if 1942 should be the cut -off date or if it should apply to all <br />homes. <br />Commissioner Ritter moved to find that the proposed amendment to the <br />Pleasanton Municipal Code is statutorily exempt from the California <br />Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); to recommend that the City Council accept <br />the Historic Resource Survey; to recommend approval of Case P15 -0384, <br />amendment to the Pleasanton Municipal Code, as shown in Exhibit A of the staff <br />report; and to recommend that the City Council discuss the merits of pursuing a <br />separate Pleasanton Municipal Code amendment to expand design review <br />authority to the exterior of non - historic single - family homes in residential zoning <br />districts in the Downtown Specific Plan area. <br />Commissioner Nagler seconded the motion. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />AYES: Commissioners Allen, Balch, Nagler, O'Connor, Piper, and Ritter <br />NOES: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />RECUSED: None. <br />ABSENT: None <br />Resolution No. PC- 2015 -31 recommending approval of P15 -0432 was entered and <br />adopted as motioned. <br />Chair Allen called for a break at 8:40 p.m. and thereafter the Commission resumed its <br />meeting at 8:50 p.m. <br />Commissioners O'Connor and Piper rejoined the Commission at the dais. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, October 14, 2015 Page 19 of 35 <br />