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PC 101415
City of Pleasanton
PC 101415
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Emilie Cruzan stated that she was also a member of the Task Force and that some of <br />the big ideas on the Task Force were helping to preserve historic homes because they <br />were being lost and picked off one by one, and to preserve the feel of the <br />neighborhoods in the DTSP so they continue to retain their charm and their interesting <br />and unique vitality. She indicated that she agrees with the adoption of the survey, <br />which is a wonderful document that provides historic information. She noted that she <br />was surprised that 88 of the homes qualify for the California Historic Resources, which <br />is a real tribute to the people who maintain those homes. She added that this survey <br />also gives information about the 100 or so homes that did not qualify for the California <br />Registry but are important to the City locally. She indicated her support for Option 2 <br />and extending the design review into the first ten feet of the home because she noticed <br />that some of those homes that did not qualify were for reasons that changes that were <br />made to the homes did happen within those first ten feet: the porches, the steps, the <br />windows, and some of the cladding. She stated that this is important and supported the <br />Commission's recommending to the Council that there be further discussion about what <br />could happen with the other homes within the historic district with respect to the design <br />review that could be extended to them. <br />Bob Nickeson inquired if the design review that is proposed would apply to the 88 of the <br />201 houses and then Option 2 would apply to the design review of the other 103 homes. <br />Chair Allen clarified that Option 1 and Option 2 applies to the 88 homes, and the <br />Commission will be voting on recommending one of those two Options. She added that <br />separate from that is another point that staff brought up to the Commission that in <br />addition to the 88 homes, the Commission could potentially pursue to apply the design <br />review beyond the 88 homes if it so desired, but that will not be discussed in any detail <br />tonight except to say whether it is worth exploring. <br />Mr. Nickeson inquired if that would apply only to houses that are near one of the <br />88 homes. <br />Chair Allen replied that that is something the Commission would have to discuss, but <br />not tonight. She added that the Commission would like to know from the public whether <br />they think it is a good idea for the Commission to explore this further, and if the <br />Commission does explore it further, there would be an opportunity again for the public <br />to provide input. <br />Karla Brown stated that she was speaking tonight as a citizen who also loves the <br />Downtown. She indicated that one of the reasons the Task Force was originally formed <br />was to stop the possibility in the DTSP area to have a house that looks like it belongs in <br />Arizona or Tahoe next to a house that looks like it is a historic resource in the City of <br />Pleasanton. She noted that the variability within the DTSP area is one of the reasons <br />the Historic Context Statement was developed where it isolates and points out there are <br />nine styles of homes in the DTSP area. She added that with regard to the houses that <br />did not qualify as a potential California Historic Resources, as well as those that were <br />built after 1942, there have been discussions that they adhere to the nine styles that <br />were identified in the Historic Context Statement. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, October 14, 2015 Page 13 of 35 <br />
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