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ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />AYES: Commissioners Allen, Balch, O'Connor, Piper, and Ritter <br />NOES: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />RECUSED: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />Resolution No. PC- 2015 -30 approving Case PUD- 81- 30 -64D was entered and adopted <br />as motioned. <br />6. PUBLIC HEARING AND OTHER MATTERS <br />a. PUD -105 and P14 -0852. City of Pleasanton <br />Public hearing to receive public and Planning Commission comments <br />on the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the Johnson <br />Drive Economic Development Zone, including 12 parcels for Planned Unit <br />Development rezoning at 7106 through 7315 Johnson Drive and 7035 <br />and 7080 Commerce Circle. Zoning for the 12 parcels is PUD -G &LI <br />(Planned Unit Development - General and Light Industrial), PUD -I /C -O <br />(Planned Unit Development - Industrial /Commercial- Office) and I -G- 40,000 <br />(General Industrial) Districts <br />Commissioner Balch recused himself due to a conflict of interest, and Commission <br />Nagler took his place on the dais. <br />Eric Luchini presented the staff report and described the scope and key elements of the <br />Johnson Drive Economic Development Zone (EDZ) and its Draft Supplemental <br />Environmental Impact Report (EIR). <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br />Bill Wheeler, Black Tie Transportation, stated that he has been doing business in <br />Pleasanton for 30 years at his building on the corner of Johnson and Commerce Drives, <br />which is affected by this project. He requested that the Draft Supplemental <br />Environmental Impact Report (EIR) takes into consideration the traffic that is already <br />going on at Johnson Drive and Stoneridge Drive. He indicated that currently, the traffic <br />is now backing up even worse than normal because of the current drought, which has <br />all these trucks and water equipment picking up reclaimed water. He added that he can <br />already see this effect backing up on the freeway. <br />Mr. Wheeler stated that his business has 150 employees and runs about 100 vehicles <br />out through the two little exits, and the current traffic is costing him between five and <br />eight minutes a day on their trips. He explained that the delays are already starting to <br />accumulate and have been causing problems. He noted that when Clorox was still <br />there, its employees came in and left at the same time; however, the uses that are <br />being considered for this complex appear to be all- day /all -night businesses. He further <br />noted that a club store could be operating for 12 -14 hours a day with traffic. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 23, 2015 Page 3 of 19 <br />