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it would not be so intrusive and the staircase would have to be redesigned, but it is <br />actually the best of the three options. <br />Commissioner Balch asked staff how Commissioner O'Connor's suggestion for Option <br />would work, given that it is a non - compliant- designed building. <br />Ms. Hagen replied that the Commission could set parameters and require it to be <br />redesigned to be Code - compliant, as approved by the Director of Community <br />Development. <br />Commissioner Balch noted that the Building Code is the trigger here and that basically, <br />the Commission could approve a condition that it be designed correctly to be Building <br />Code - compliant. <br />Ms. Hagen said yes. <br />Commissioner Balch stated that a three -story building is quite big, and people would not <br />realize that until they are standing next to one. He recalled that the Kottinger re- design <br />for the Kottinger Place / Kottinger Gardens project required a large amount of work for a <br />three -story building. <br />Commissioner Ritter stated that he has some numbers which may provide some <br />perspective: Tully's Plaza is 44 feet at the top and 33 feet at the parapet; the Oasis <br />Cafe is 43 feet at the top and 28.5 feet at the ridge; the Rose Hotel is 47 feet at the top <br />and 45 feet at the gables; the Pleasanton Hotel is 43 feet at the top and 41 feet at the <br />ridge; the new Pastime Plaza in Downtown is 34 feet; and the Chamber of Commerce <br />building down the street is 34 feet at the ridgeline. He indicated that he perceives the <br />lot to the south will also come in with some residential requests, and the owners will <br />want a garage and two stories above it because of the need for workforce housing. He <br />agreed with the speaker about new graduates coming into town for work, but he also <br />likes seeing daylight versus just a bunch of sprawling houses with no yard or parking on <br />site. <br />Commissioner Balch stated that with any of the options, the building elevation facing the <br />neighbors' side has small windows so it is not intrusive and no one would be looking <br />into their property; however, there are larger windows on the rear of the building facing <br />the 30 -foot tall building ten feet off of the property line, but that owner has not showed <br />up to a meeting or been involved. He indicated that he is not really excited about the <br />cantilevers, but staff's commentary is appropriate that while it is not the best, it could <br />work. He added that he is slightly dismayed about Option 1 and understands both <br />staff's position and that of the applicant, but he would really prefer something more in <br />that area. <br />Commissioner Piper commented that these three options were not noticed to neighbors <br />and that if the Commission approved Option 3, that rear neighbor will not have known <br />about the three -story building and would not have had the option to comment. <br />Ms. Hagen replied that all of the notices indicated an application for Design Review to <br />construct three apartment units and that none of the notices indicated a height at all. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 9, 2015 Page 9 of 17 <br />