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Mr. Weinstein stated that City staff is currently working on the scope of work for that <br />parking study to figure out what questions need to be answered that were not answered <br />in the previous study, and identify amendments to occur in a parking strategy that could <br />be evaluated as part of this study. He indicated that it should be ready in the next <br />couple of months. <br />Commissioner Balch stated that one of the other options or elements was the feasibility <br />of the railroad corridor lot behind the Cole's Market on the north side. He noted that a <br />speaker has brought that up twice at past Planning Commission meetings. <br />Chair Allen inquired if the subject is going to the City Council for discussion the next <br />month. <br />Mr. Beaudin replied that staff has heard from a number of folks that parking is a concern <br />in the Downtown, and the Council has asked staff for an approach to address this topic. <br />He indicated that a report on the strategy to approach the Downtown parking discussion <br />has been set for the October 6, 2015 Council meeting, at which time staff hopes to <br />receive some direction to get started with a work plan. <br />Chair Allen inquired if this is something that would typically first come to the Planning <br />Commission for input. <br />Mr. Beaudin replied that staff will be developing this strategy and having that <br />conversation with Council to see if there's a willingness to allocate staff resources and <br />time to go ahead and approach the topic. He indicated that staff will be working with the <br />Pleasanton Downtown Association as well as stakeholders and various groups who are <br />affected by this for their input. He added that the Planning Commission would be <br />included as it deals with applications in the Downtown on a regular basis and know what <br />kinds of exceptions people are asking for and what areas of town might be more <br />impacted. <br />Commissioner Ritter indicated that he will not be at the October 28, 2015 Planning <br />Commission meeting. <br />8. MATTERS FOR COMMISSION'S REVIEW /ACTION /INFORMATION <br />a. Future Planning Calendar <br />Mr. Weinstein stated that the amendment to the Municipal Code and Review of the <br />Historic Resource Survey will be coming before the Commission at its first meeting in <br />October; the Dog Park Minor Modification is going away completely; and the Roche <br />Molecular project will be coming as well to the next Planning Commission meeting. He <br />added that another project that is actually not listed on the report is the Johnson Drive <br />Economic Development Zone Supplemental EIR for an economic development zone <br />here in the City at the intersection of Stoneridge and Johnson Drives. He explained that <br />this is a program -level document that evaluates the impacts of development on that site <br />in that area. He indicated that the Commission will be getting the Supplemental <br />Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for that project soon, and the public hearing to <br />received comments on the document is scheduled for the next Commission meeting. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 9, 2015 Page 16 of 17 <br />