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PC 081215
City of Pleasanton
PC 081215
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8/10/2017 4:52:26 PM
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lots are similarly compact relative to the homes that appear. He asked Ms. Hardy if they <br />had the Ivy Lane homes in mind when they were looking at this site plan here, and if <br />they then took those Ivy Lane home designs and fit them into this site plan; or if they <br />started with a site plan that made maximum, good, logical use out of the acreage <br />available and then put homes in those sites. <br />Ms. Hardy replied that it is really a little bit of both. She explained that they look at what <br />their typical lot width and depth dimensions are, and because they have had such <br />success with Ivy Lane, it was a good match. She stated that they obviously adjusted <br />the lot specifics in order to meet those particular requirements of that product; however, <br />it is also important to note that many of the lots on the proposed project are wonderfully <br />big in comparison to Ivy Lane's rear yards, particularly those at the end of the <br />cul -de -sac and the hammerhead. She added that, as earlier mentioned, the rear yards <br />of the lots that abut Ironwood are set back a minimum of 20 feet, with those towards the <br />end of that hammerhead being set back over 30 feet. She noted that the floor area <br />ratios (FAR) of maybe five of the lots are at the 69- percent range. <br />Ms. Hardy continued that they did a spread of the different plans per lot that they could <br />plot on the sites and noted that the bulk of the FAR's are really closer to the lower 50 to <br />lower 60 percentile range. She added that they like to use that kind of range because it <br />ultimately gives them flexibility to determine if a house does not fit on a lot while <br />ensuring that they have a good mix of the different house styles to make it attractive. <br />Commissioner Nagler inquired, for confirmation, that had it been the case that these <br />were not the same home plans or home designs as were previously produced, it could <br />be that the mix of the size of the homes, of one story and two stories, and of <br />architecture, could potentially have substantially produced a different development plan. <br />Ms. Hardy replied that anything is possible. She noted that while they were looking at <br />the house plans for this project, she wrote down all the square footages in the Classics, <br />in the Estates, and in the Villages, and determined what square- footage range would <br />really match nicely within Ironwood because Ironwood is a great example of a master <br />planned community with a lot of different housing choices, including duets, senior <br />apartments, active living, and a different product mix between the Classics and the <br />Estates. She noted that the square footage for this project fits so nicely with just a little <br />bit of overlap in that mix, because they wanted to make sure there is enough variety and <br />something that people are going to want to purchase here as opposed to purchasing in <br />the Classics or someplace else. She indicated that the square- footage mix works very, <br />very well at this location. <br />Ms. Hardy stated that in the overall master plan context, Ponderosa held two <br />neighborhood meetings with a fair attendance from both the Villages and the Ironwood <br />development at the most recent neighborhood meeting about a month and a half ago. <br />She indicated that she did not hear a whole lot of concern and that given the choice, the <br />people would rather have the tent structure gone. She noted that the adjoining property <br />owners have a parking lot that is ten feet off of their wall right in the parking lot, and this <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, August 12, 2015 Page 9 of 34 <br />
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