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6. PUBLIC HEARING AND OTHER MATTERS <br />a. P15- 0248 /PUD -111 and P15- 0249/P15- 0390/1315 -0250, Ponderosa Homes <br />11, Inc. <br />Applications for the approximately 6.22 -acre site located at <br />3410 -3450 Cornerstone Court for: (1) General Plan Amendment to <br />change the land use designation of a 4.28 -acre portion of the site from <br />Community Facilities — Other Public and Institutional to Medium Density <br />Residential; (2) Planned Unit Development (PUD) Rezoning and <br />Development Plan approval to rezone a 4.28 -acre portion of the site <br />from the PUD -P &I (Planned Unit Development — Public & Institutional) <br />District to the PUD -MDR (Planned Unit Development — Medium Density <br />Residential) District and to construct 27 single - family homes and related <br />site improvements; (3) Modification to the approved site plan; and <br />(4) Conditional Use Permit to eliminate the existing church and its <br />related uses and to retain the existing preschool and private school <br />facility as a stand -alone use with a modified operation and site plan. <br />Also consider the Negative Declaration prepared for the project. <br />Adam Weinstein presented the staff report and described the scope, layout, and key <br />elements of the proposal. <br />Commissioner O'Connor referred to Mr. Weinstein's statement that the existing school <br />has 120 students, as opposed to a letter the Commission received earlier today that <br />talked about the existing school having 150 students. He asked staff to clarify. <br />Mr. Weinstein replied that the school currently has a state license for 120 students, in <br />addition to an after - school program that allows for 30 students that does not require a <br />State license at this time. He indicated that the applicant can provide clarification in that <br />respect. He added that because of the summer months, the actual number of students <br />occupying the school at this time is probably substantially less than 120. <br />Commissioner Nagler noted that based on the school's history, the number of students <br />allowed by City when the school use was originally permitted was up to 200. <br />Mr. Weinstein confirmed that was correct. He stated that the larger enrollment number <br />was first approved for a different project and in a different context, and there was a lot <br />more parking provided on the site then. He indicated that staff's determination of the <br />appropriate baseline for student enrollment was based on what other uses are <br />happening on this particular project site, other residential uses being proposed on the <br />project site, and the amount of parking provided on the project site as parking in schools <br />is obviously a really big issue. <br />Mr. Weinstein explained that staff started with the Code requirements that require a <br />certain number of parking spaces, and then looked at what additional parking might be <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, August 12, 2015 Page 3 of 34 <br />