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Commissioner O'Connor inquired, for clarification, if the applicant would have been able <br />to add a bedroom to the original house if he did not build the first building behind the <br />house, as they could have the same number of bedrooms. <br />Ms. Wallis said yes. <br />Commissioner Balch inquired whether that was discussed as an option when staff was <br />working with the applicant on the revised plan. <br />Ms. Wallis replied that it was just discussed with respect to reducing the massing down <br />to two stories but was not necessarily in relation to the total number of bedrooms or <br />units. <br />Commissioner Ritter stated that it sounds like the applicant wants to rent it out as a <br />rental unit and keep it separate from the house. <br />Commissioner O'Connor noted that this is probably the only option he can think of that <br />would preserve the view towards the center of the property. <br />Commissioner Balch noted that the street view would have changed, and the desire is <br />not to change. <br />Commissioner Piper inquired if the applicant could just do a one -story unit, punch out <br />the back to make the house larger with more bedrooms and add a garage, and then <br />keeping the integrity of that whole front unit intact as one single -story larger home. <br />Ms. Wallis replied that was potentially possible. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired if that was considered by staff when the project came <br />forward, trying to preserve the viewscape by some options other than a two -story <br />building there. <br />Ms. Wallis said no, not specifically so. <br />Commissioner Balch stated that he can count eight bedrooms on the entire parcel: two <br />in the initial house, one in Building 1, and two in each of Building 2 and 3. He asked <br />staff if that was correct. <br />Ms. Wallis replied that they are separate bedrooms and that the bedrooms in the <br />existing home will be reduced from three to two. <br />Commissioner Balch noted that there are six on -site parking spaces, so one person is <br />definitely parking on the street perceivably. <br />Ms. Wallis said yes <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, July 22, 2015 Page 7 of 15 <br />