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PC 072215
City of Pleasanton
PC 072215
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Commissioner Nagler stated that he does not have anything to add to what has already <br />been mentioned. He indicated that the Commissioner's direction to ask for more work <br />to be done is appropriate. He added that it struck him, as he was going through this, <br />that Building 1 begs the question of how set the Commission is on the requirement of <br />maintaining the street view as compared to maintaining the neighbor's view. He noted <br />that it is a trade -off and that he is fine with it if it requires more deliberation. <br />Commissioner Balch commented that it would be interesting to know if the Commission <br />is willing to possibly sacrifice a parking spot to preserve a view. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that he would not have a problem with that. He noted <br />that there are a lot of Downtown properties that have two- and three - bedroom homes <br />with one -car garages. He stated that as far as maintaining the street views, the <br />Commission is talking about the possibility of a second story and finding no change in <br />the street view. He added that the street view changes by putting a second story <br />directly behind the home as it is only five feet behind the home. <br />Commissioner Balch commented if the street view is going to be lost anyway, it might <br />be well to lose it a lot and get what is needed to please more people. <br />Commissioner Nagler commented that if the Commission is agreeable that the number <br />of total units proposed is acceptable, that is, four units with two bedrooms each, <br />extending the existing building and remaining a one -story building by definition would <br />make parking pretty difficult because there is only so much of a footprint that is <br />extended to the rear. He indicated that he is not sure if it is even the Commission's <br />place to suggest this, but clearly the problem would be solved if the existing home were <br />torn down and a front unit were built that replicated Building 2; Building 1 would become <br />a mirror image of what is being proposed as Building 2, and four two- bedroom units <br />each with a total of six parking stalls would be maintained. He reiterated that he is <br />obviously not proposing that the Commission adopt this, but again, if this item is going <br />to be continued. then this is an idea to be considered. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired, for verification purposes, if the proposal is for the <br />front house to have two bedrooms, the first building to have one bedroom, and the two <br />buildings in the back to have two bedrooms each, for a total of seven bedrooms. He <br />noted that the existing home currently has three bedrooms, and if the first building <br />behind was eliminated and the building in the back remained with four more bedrooms, <br />there would still be seven bedrooms, even with the elimination of a building, and there <br />would still be the separate unit. <br />Commissioner Nagler noted that this would be the architect's task, and because there <br />could be a variety of issues, he believes the item should probably be continued. <br />Commissioner O'Connor agreed that he does not want the Commission to be designing <br />this but that he would like the applicant to further explore what to do to maintain the <br />view. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, July 22, 2015 Page 10 of 15 <br />
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