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PC 062415
City of Pleasanton
PC 062415
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8/10/2017 4:49:59 PM
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8/10/2017 4:39:30 PM
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that he took the Wikipedia definition to three engineers whom he really respects and <br />asked them if they have a fundamental or rudimentary understanding of what it takes to <br />build a road, and if a road is a structure. He indicated that the three engineers <br />answered yes to both questions, and that would make it 4 -to -1 against the <br />Commissioner. <br />Mr. Frost stated that he should probably not have used the word "build" because "build" <br />automatically infers that doing a structure. He noted that the word "construct" goes right <br />down the same path again as both the words "structure" and "construct" come from the <br />Latin "structura." He concluded that he would then come back to this same thing that to <br />have a structural defect, there must be a structure. He indicated that if one does not <br />support Measure PP and accept that a road is a structure by definition, then this is <br />going to lead down a very bad path for the community. He emphasized that the <br />community should not go there; people should stand up and say that a road is a <br />structure, and therefore, a road cannot be built. <br />Bill Spain stated that he is a 26 -year Pleasanton resident, referred to Mr. Dolan's <br />statement that there was a private agreement between Ventana Hills and Bonde Ranch. <br />He indicated that it was not a private agreement, that Brian Swift, Planning Director at <br />that time, worked very closely on it, and that they had the opportunity to have that <br />agreement reviewed by outside legal counsel. He added that the Ventana Hills <br />residents do not share the opinion that the agreement is private, and it is not necessarily <br />exclusive to the discussions with Bonde Ranch. <br />Mr. Spain stated that he supports Option 2 as it is consistent with previous agreements <br />supported by surrounding neighborhoods. He noted that they have made that clear in <br />previous attempts to define their position in front of the Planning Commission. He <br />added, however, that he understands and accepts Option 3 as a suitable alternative. <br />With respect to traffic, Mr. Spain stated that he did not see any reference to construction <br />traffic in the staff report. He indicated that it is his position that construction traffic for <br />the homes being connected to Sycamore Heights and Bridal Creek should be routed <br />through those neighborhoods since this was also addressed in their CC &R's, and only <br />the construction traffic associated with ten or fewer homes being built in a cul -de -sac at <br />the end of Lund Ranch Road should be routed through Ventana Hills and Mission Park. <br />He stated that they would like to have the construction traffic recommendations added <br />to the developer's agreement and conditions of approval. <br />John Bauer handed the Commissioners a document and thanked them for their public <br />service. He stated that Measure PP, Save Pleasanton's Hills, and the housing cap has <br />already been litigated, and a precedent has been set; the housing cap has been thrown <br />out and has been ruled unconstitutional by the California Supreme Court, so the <br />housing cap of Measure PP is gone. <br />Mr. Bauer stated that there is a property on very steep hillsides in South Vineyard, the <br />15 -unit Chrisman property, that just recently had its Final Map approved. He indicated <br />that when the development agreement came off for extension in 2009, Measure PP was <br />contemplated, and in the Minutes of the contemplation and in the precedent that was <br />set, they acknowledged that it was on very steep hillsides, that exception was given to <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 24, 2015 Page 16 of 54 <br />
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