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PC 062415
City of Pleasanton
PC 062415
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Mr. Dolan replied that there is no question that it is not ideal for those things. He <br />explained that both those neighborhoods right now are not connected, and in some <br />ways, it would not be any worse because if one wanted to go from Lund Ranch Road <br />right now over to Sycamore Creek Way, one would have to go all the way back to <br />Raley's on Sunol Boulevard and then go back around. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br />Mike Meyer, President of Greenbriar Homes Communities, Applicant, stated that <br />Greenbriar has built six high - quality communities in town in the past and has made <br />many contributions, including the 320 -acre community park on the Bernal Property <br />which he is delighted to see has now been improved and looks great. He indicated that <br />tonight, he is before the Commission to talk about a new community; Lund Ranch. He <br />noted that they basically have worked very hard with their community outreach to <br />respond to people's comments that they wanted maximum open space and minimum <br />development. He stated that Greenbriar wants pre- determined house sizes; it wants <br />respect for the hillside ordinance, and it wants quality homes that fit into the larger <br />community. He noted that they have been very environmentally sensitive: they have a <br />small footprint, they have public trails, they are building on the flattest portion of the <br />property, and the EIR states that their alternative, Scenario 1, is the environmentally <br />superior alternative. <br />Mr. Meyer thanked staff and the Commission for their work in defining the key concepts <br />here regarding slopes, the ridge, and setbacks. He indicated that Greenbriar agrees <br />with those concepts and hopes the Planning Commission will agree as well. He then <br />made some comments on a couple of issues: <br />1. Artificial slope. Past Planning Commissions and City Councils have been <br />consistent in saying that they should go back to natural slopes, and as long as <br />those natural slopes are less than 25 percent, they should be allowed to include <br />them in the community. He indicated that, in effect, Option 1 is the alternative <br />they support. <br />2. Ventana Hills agreement. As Mr. Dolan earlier stated, the City Attorney has <br />indicated that this is not legally enforceable, and Greenbriar was not a party to <br />any of these agreements about Lund Ranch. The Bonde Ranch approval was <br />made in 1991. At the same time, Shea Homes was conceptually designing a plan <br />for 150 homes on the Lund Ranch location which would require two accesses. <br />Now, many years later, Greenbriar is down to 50 homes with only one access, <br />which avoids any significant traffic or circulation impacts. Then, in 1992, the <br />North Sycamore Specific Plan was done, and Lund Ranch was not a part of it <br />either. Finally, in 2008, Measures PP and QQ were passed, the point of which is <br />that the electorate intended to protect the integrity of the hillsides. <br />Mr. Meyer stated that he cannot understand why controversy over Measure PP is being <br />invited over a road that is not necessary. He commended staff for laying out three <br />options as to this road consideration, and one of those options, Option 1 is to maintain <br />this trail, which is their plan. He noted that Options 2 and 3 are to build the foot of this <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 24, 2015 Page 13 of 54 <br />
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