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Chair Allen addressed Mr. Bocian to clarify that what staff is looking at is for the <br />Planning Commission to validate that the CIP is consistent with the General Plan, not to <br />vet whether the projects seem like the right ones as a lot of work has gone on in <br />selecting these. <br />Mr. Bocian confirmed that was correct and the role of the Planning Commission. <br />Commissioner Ritter inquired under which category the In- Lieu Housing Fees belongs <br />Mr. Bocian replied that the In -Lieu Housing Fees are not part of the CIP; they are part of <br />the Operating Budget. He added that as far as he knows, the City has never had a <br />capital project that used Lower - Income Housing Fees. <br />Commissioner Ritter then asked if it is the same deal for In -Lieu Parking Fees for <br />parking Downtown. <br />Mr. Bocian replied that the In -Lieu Parking Fees also go to the Operating Budget. He <br />pointed out that there is a project to look at additional parking for the Downtown, and the <br />study for it is planned for Fiscal Year 2015/2016. <br />Chair Allen inquired if that is in this year's budget. <br />Mr. Bocian said yes. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired if there will be some kind of Committee for that study. <br />Mr. Bocian replied that he believes that has not yet been resolved. He indicated that <br />the Pleasanton Downtown Association has approached the City and asked staff to look <br />into it, so it has been included in the CIP. He added that if the City Council approves <br />this at its June 16th meeting, staff will get back to the City Council in July or August with <br />information and a recommendation regarding how to proceed with that project. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired if it would be a consultant doing the work. <br />Mr. Bocian replied that he thinks that would be the case. He stated that he did not think <br />it would be done by staff because it will be fairly involved as the study will be looking at <br />various locations throughout the Downtown and the potential of a parking structure <br />Downtown. <br />Commissioner Piper asked Mr. Bocian for a brief description of the second Bernal <br />Bridge project. <br />Mr. Bocian explained that the second Bernal Bridge project has been in the books for a <br />long time and involves building a bridge right next to the existing Bernal Bridge over at <br />Foothill Road. He stated that there has been a lot of study done on that, but there has <br />been no specific action that has occurred towards that. He indicated that this CIP <br />includes the repainting of the existing bridge, which will occur in 2015/2016, and the <br />concept of the second bridge will actually be brought forward probably within the next <br />two years. He noted that there is no specific bridge design or a timeline at this point, <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 10, 2015 Page 5 of 8 <br />