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PC 052715
City of Pleasanton
PC 052715
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after this first one is allowed to go through. He agreed with Mr. Cummings that it is not <br />really about this family but about whoever comes in later. <br />Elizabeth Cummings, Appellant, reiterated the point of privacy. She stated that this is a <br />pretty sensitive and emotional subject for her, and the reason is that as she stands in <br />her master bedroom and looks straight out through a very large sliding door, she can <br />already see right into their neighbor's backyard. She indicated that for about six <br />months, the mulberry tree is dormant with no leaves, and if she can see what is going in <br />the neighbor's upstairs bedroom, taller people on the other side of the fence can see <br />what is going on in her bedroom. <br />Ms. Cummings stated that when they bought their house, it was beautifully designed in <br />the backyard so they could actually enjoy the views of the backyard and the greenery <br />back there; and now all she thinks about is that she cannot even open her drapes to get <br />dressed in the morning; she cannot open her drapes when her daughters are taking a <br />shower in their bathroom. She indicated that her daughters are getting older, and she is <br />really concerned about her family's privacy and that of their friends who come over. <br />Ms. Cummings stated that she grew up in Pleasanton Valley in a Monterey -style home, <br />where she always felt safe and secure and comfortable in her backyard because there <br />were no balconies on the backs of the other houses. She noted that they have felt that <br />way for the last three years in their current home, and it makes her pretty emotional as <br />she starts to envision this balcony and think that there could be somebody looking in. <br />She concurred with what some have said that it is going to be the current neighbors, but <br />this sets a precedent for who may move in, and there is no guarantee that this is not <br />going to continue on. <br />Todd Merrill followed up with Mr. Smith's comments that the improvements to the house <br />are great considering the condition that the house is in and the previous owners that <br />had it, and they are all excited to see improvements to the house. He indicated that he <br />also has two little girls who are friends of the Cummings kids and who could potentially <br />be at that pool as well. He voiced his support for the Cummings' request for some <br />privacy and agreed with them that the balcony does sort of add to the concern. <br />Mr. Merrill stated that he lives in a two -story house that has a balcony on the front, but <br />this was a planned balcony from the beginning. He indicated that he has had additions <br />put to the backyard, but they are single -story and a great format for that style of house, <br />which is very similar to the applicants' house. <br />Julene Henning stated that the applicant's house is not in great condition and thinks <br />what the applicant is doing is fantastic. She noted, however that every two -story house, <br />either the Heritage or the Monterey that has a balcony has it on the front. She noted <br />that the bushes the applicant planted will not get high enough for privacy from a balcony <br />on the second floor. She stated that this is not the right thing to do and will not be right <br />to the people next door. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 27, 2015 Page 8 of 18 <br />
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