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Acting Chair Ritter moved to deny the appeal and uphold the Zoning <br />Administrator's approval of Case P15 -0037. <br />Commissioners Piper and Balch stated that they did understand the motion since Acting <br />Chair Ritter had indicated earlier that he did not want the balcony. <br />Ms. Harryman asked Acting Chair Ritter if he is in favor of the balcony. <br />Acting Chair Ritter said no, and moved to uphold the appeal of Case P15 -0037, <br />thereby overturning the Zoning Administrator's approval. <br />Commissioner Piper inquired if that allows the applicant to build everything minus the <br />balcony. <br />Acting Chair Ritter indicated that he wants the applicant to be able to build everything <br />minus the balcony. He asked Ms. Harryman how he could make that motion. <br />Ms. Harryman explained that the appeal is to overturn the Zoning Administrator's <br />decision, but the Commission is looking at it fresh now. She indicated that the <br />Commission can uphold the Zoning Administrator's decision, or it can reject the Zoning <br />Administrator's decision, or it can modify the Zoning Administrator's decision. She <br />stated that what she is hearing in Acting Chair Ritter's motion is that he is fine with <br />everything except the balcony. <br />Acting Chair Ritter confirmed that was correct. <br />Commissioner Balch clarified that it is to approve the building without a balcony <br />Ms. Harryman confirmed that interpretation. <br />Commissioner Piper seconded the motion. <br />Commissioner Nagler asked if, technically and theoretically, the applicant has the ability <br />to redesign the house in a way that there is no balcony, but another 500 square feet is <br />added onto the building. <br />Commissioner Piper noted that it could not be done because of the Floor Area Ratio <br />(FAR). <br />Commissioner Nagler asked staff if the applicant could add another 1.7 percent or <br />1.3 percent of square footage. <br />Mr. Otto said yes. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 27, 2015 Page 15 of 18 <br />