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bedroom of some size, although not of this size which appears to be a coffee -table type <br />sitting area where there is an area for the master bedroom to exit out. He stated that he <br />sees this as a reasonable design and a great way to keep an eye on the pool, and that <br />is why he could support the balcony and deny the appellant. He indicated that he is <br />more comfortable with the balcony on the back because it goes to Valley Avenue, a <br />road that is never going to change other than being a road, and there are no further <br />homes beyond. He added that he does not think this is too encroaching on the <br />neighbor's privacy, given that the privacy issue was already answered from the view <br />existing from the windows. <br />Commissioner Nagler stated that he does not know if what he is about to suggest is <br />common since he is new to these controversies, but as far as giving some indication of <br />where the Commission is, it is pretty clear this is a split vote, and if it would be <br />appropriate for the Commission to finish the discussion for now and ask the applicant <br />and appellant to see one more time if there is a compromise that can be worked out <br />strictly about the balcony since nobody objects to the rest of the enterprise, and then <br />reschedule this for a future meeting. He continued that if a compromise has been <br />worked out, the Commission can consider it and hopefully endorse it; and if there is no <br />compromise, the Commission can decide with it being clear that at least three or four of <br />the Commissioners present are pretty clearly where they stand. <br />Acting Chair Ritter commented that the Commission has done that before. <br />Ms. Harryman stated that there is that option; however, the Commissioner's Handbook <br />actually discusses tie votes in this particular situation where there are four <br />Commissioners present and other Commissioners are absent, and what is required <br />when there is a tie vote is that the item be carried forward to the next meeting in which a <br />quorum of Commissioners are present. <br />Commissioner Balch stated that he has seen one of these before and, for lack of a <br />better characterization, the parties try to persuade the other side, and if that does not <br />work, the Commission calls it and just moves on. He added that he has stated his <br />opinion, but he does not know if it is a tie or not. <br />Commissioner Piper stated that the neighborhoods she is familiar with that may have <br />balconies in the back seem to sit on larger -sized lots than those typically in Birdland, <br />which are typically around '% of an acre or less. She indicated that she is not saying <br />that balconies are not appropriate for the back side a of house, but she still holds <br />strongly to the fact and appropriateness of this particular balcony and feels that it is not <br />the best for this specific neighborhood. <br />Acting Chair Ritter asked Commissioner Piper if she grew up in this neighborhood and <br />knows the neighborhood well. <br />Commissioner Piper replied that she is quite familiar with the neighborhood and added <br />that she knows their floor plan and has lived in a house with the same floor plan. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 27, 2015 Page 13 of 18 <br />