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With respect to the mulberry tree, Ms. Kiziloglu stated that she knew that the tree was <br />going to drop all of its leaves, and in order to have more leaves so both the neighbors <br />and they will have privacy, she left all of the branches in there, and that is how she likes <br />to keep it. <br />Ms. Kiziloglu stated that if she were a sex offender or somebody creepy, her bedroom <br />would be so perfect because she can just put her chair there with the air conditioning <br />and her food next to her; she would be sitting there and watching bikinis all day long, <br />and the neighbors will never know that she is sitting there. She indicated, however, that <br />she does not do that sort of thing and hopes that whoever moves in there, whenever <br />that happens, will not do that to the neighbors because that is not the right thing to do. <br />She stated that people have to trust in a higher power and in themselves. <br />Ms. Kiziloglu stated that they are doing what they can to give the neighbor privacy, and <br />she is really sorry that Mrs. Cummings feels like she does not have privacy right now <br />and cannot get dressed in her own bedroom. She indicated that she has two kids, 7 <br />and 14 years of age, and that her 14- year -old son is a straight -A student who is on the <br />basketball team, plays the saxophone, and swims five days a week. She noted that he <br />does not have time and does not want to be out there by the pool because he has to <br />practice five days a week. She added that her seven - year -old son feels the same way <br />and just goes and plays in the morning and them comes back up. She indicated that <br />her sons have no reason to be looking at the neighbors' bedroom. She stated that it is <br />sad that her neighbor already feels uncomfortable in her own house. She indicated that <br />they have been living in their house for only eight months, and they have not even done <br />any construction yet. She stated that their house backs onto Valley Avenue, and there <br />is no house behind them, so if she had a balcony, she would just be looking at the view <br />and not at the neighbors. <br />Finally, Ms. Kiziloglu stated that if she is to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on <br />improvements on her house, it would be for her children's health first, so they can be as <br />healthy and as normal as possible; and if they are sick, they should have a way of <br />alleviating their pain when they have an asthma attack. She indicated that if she cannot <br />have a balcony on the house, then the house can stay the way it is because it does not <br />make sense to her to spend that money if her children cannot have a comfortable house <br />when they are sick. She added that they moved to the area for the good school and the <br />good neighborhood, and they expected that they would have good neighbors and a <br />good support system. She asked the Commissioners to make the right decision and <br />thanked them for their time. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Acting Chair Ritter stated that it sounds like this is a great neighborhood, and the <br />residents are very cordial with one another. He indicated that he liked hearing people <br />on both sides say they liked this and did not like that, and thanked them for keeping it <br />that way. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 27, 2015 Page 10 of 18 <br />