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Chair Allen agreed <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that the Commission should continue what it did for <br />511 Main Street because that is what was done in the past. He noted that this is the <br />first project with 1,800 square feet of patio for a dining room that is exclusive to one use; <br />it is a little different than what the Commission has seen and done in the past with a <br />couple of plazas. He stated that he does not want to infringe on them but still thinks that <br />the project should have more than three. <br />Commissioner Balch stated that he was debating between three and five, and one of his <br />big things is he does not want to hold this applicant to a standard that was not known <br />going in. He indicated, however, that he clearly sees Commissioner Allen's point that <br />destroying parking on site and not replenishing it is an issue. <br />Commissioner Piper moved to approve Case P15 -0142, subject to the Conditions <br />of Approval as listed in Exhibit A of the staff report. <br />Commissioner Nagler seconded the motion. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that he did bring up the transom windows not being a <br />requirement, and he does not know if the applicant's architect has already made a <br />change to the transom windows. He indicated that he would like to take that condition <br />out before the Commission votes on the motion. <br />Mr. Weinstein stated that it is a fairly minor change and staff does not feel extremely <br />strong about it. He indicated that it is a concept that is identified in the Downtown <br />Design Guidelines and a design feature that is desirable in the Downtown on the first <br />floor. He pointed to the transom windows on the second floor and so it would <br />essentially be transferring those down to the windows on the first floor with a similar grid <br />pattern essentially on the tops of these windows. He added that it would be a positive <br />addition to the design, but staff does not feel extraordinarily strong about their inclusion <br />and would support the Commission if it feels otherwise. <br />Chair Allen stated that she could go either way. She indicated that she personally <br />thinks the first floor looks fine as it, and the transom windows seem to be more <br />prominent on the second floor, which makes sense on that one area because it is much <br />larger and taller. She added that she does not know if they are necessary downstairs <br />and is fine with the proposal to remove it as a requirement, and the applicant can still <br />choose to include them. <br />Commissioner O'Connor moved to amend the motion to delete Condition No. 7 <br />regarding the addition of transom windows on the first floor. <br />Commissioners Piper and Nagler accepted the amendment to remove Condition <br />No. 7 as a requirement. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 13, 2015 Page 20 of 32 <br />