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Mr. Weinstein replied that it is not something the City undertakes regularly. He noted <br />that the last one was done a couple of years ago, and there are no current plans to do <br />again. He reiterated that parking and increasing parking availability and giving <br />information to people to make them aware of where parking is are things that staff is <br />thinking of at all times, so it might be something that the City will look at again in the <br />near future. <br />Commissioner Piper asked staff to address Mr. Bronzini's concern about the structural <br />integrity of his building. <br />Mr. Weinstein replied that there are standard requirements, which are also included as <br />conditions of approval for this project, listed in Attachment A of the staff report. He <br />explained that the conditions require that building construction, including excavation, <br />adhere to standard building, geotechnical, and engineering requirements, which would <br />address those concerns, including whether or not the soil on site is adequately <br />compacted. <br />Commissioner Piper inquired if this would then not be a concern. <br />Mr. Weinstein said that was correct. <br />Commissioner Balch referred to the encroachments of the first and second floors on the <br />public right -of -way and asked staff to help him understand that this is done throughout <br />the City and that this project is in line with those as well. <br />Mr. Otto replied that the Code does allow projections such as balconies to go into the <br />right -of -way as long as a License Agreement is signed with the City to indemnify the <br />City under certain conditions. He added that there are specific requirements as well, as <br />mentioned earlier by the project architect. He explained that it needs to have a 12 -foot <br />clearance below the projection and up to within two feet of the face of the curb; it needs <br />to be open, and any posts need to be set at least seven feet from the property line. He <br />noted that portions of the balcony of the buildings at 350 Main Street and 400 Main <br />Street go into the public right -of -way. He added that a prior building that did this and <br />was approved had a similar request to extend into the right -of -way, but it was not in the <br />Downtown. <br />Commissioner Balch noted that the ground -floor dining area encroaches into the <br />walkway. He inquired what the standard requirement is for using someone else's land <br />for one's business or building. <br />Mr. Otto replied that the City requires an Outdoor Dining Permit for an outdoor dining <br />area encroaching into the right -of -way, and it should meet certain criteria: maintenance <br />of a four -foot clearance for a public walkway; adequate clearances in the public <br />walkway area from the entry doors for the business so fire egress requirements are not <br />blocked; acceptable design of the dining tables and chairs; and an insurance policy <br />provided to the City. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 13, 2015 Page 10 of 32 <br />