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Commissioner Balch stated that what the Commission is evaluating is if it believes the <br />use is compatible with the zoning. He noted that it is similar to other issues the <br />Commission has heard in the past where owners do not talk as the Commission would <br />prefer, but it still comes down to a use question. <br />Addressing the safety issue raised, Chair Allen inquired if there is a handicapped <br />access in the back area where the vans will be accessing the building. <br />Ms. Eisberg replied that part of the proposed project is upgrading the ramps, and there <br />will be handicapped accessible ramps and railings put in, both in the front and the back. <br />Chair Allen inquired what need there would be for using the front if there was one in the <br />back, and what the reason would be for someone to enter in the front. <br />Ms. Eisberg explained that the reception area is located in the front, and staff, visitors, <br />or someone dropping off a family member or taking care of someone might use the front <br />entrance. She added that the vans are the primary way the clients can get to the <br />facility, and they would primarily enter through the back. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired if the front is also ADA compliant. <br />Ms. Eisberg replied that it would be upgraded to be ADA compliant. <br />Chair Allen asked staff if they felt that spending another two weeks working on this with <br />all the parties involved might result in a design that was more workable, or whether the <br />Conditions of Approval might be modified. <br />Mr. Weinstein replied that it is difficult to predict something like that. He pointed out that <br />there clearly has not been effective communication between the property owners to <br />date. He noted, however, that staff evaluated this project based on its merits and land <br />use compatibility, and staff does not feel that there are any substantial changes that <br />could be made to either the operational program or the interior design of the space to <br />make it more workable. He reiterated that staff truly believes that there are no land use <br />incompatibility issues here. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that the only thing he can think of that might be negotiated is some sort <br />of sound - proofing between the units. He added that otherwise, the issues are what they <br />are: staff has determined that there is going to be enough parking and is satisfied with <br />the circulation and noise. <br />Commissioner O'Connor noted that if noise did become an issue, it could be mitigated. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that it could probably be bolstered with an additional condition. He <br />noted that a lot of times, there are issues between tenants next to each other that need <br />to be worked out, and there is no use permit involved. He added that the parties would <br />hopefully be able to do that here. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 25, 2015 Page 9 of 46 <br />