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PC 022515
City of Pleasanton
PC 022515
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years ago. He noted that there are different interpretations of that, and ultimately, the <br />Planning Commission will be asked to make a recommendation to the City Council on that <br />issue. He reiterated that when the Council at that time last convened regarding this issue, <br />it concluded that a road was not a structure, and, therefore, a road was not prohibited by <br />Measure PP to go on slopes greater than 25 percent. <br />Mr. Dolan then displayed some photographs of the man -made slopes of the Lund Ranch II <br />site. He pointed out that the area right in the middle of where the ranch operations are <br />located are clearly man -made: the owners wanted to get from one side of the farmland to <br />the other, so they graded right through the middle of it and created a road. As regards the <br />other area, Mr. Dolan stated that it appears that this is down where the barn is located and <br />that it is adjacent to the creek off to the left, and staff suspects there the previous natural <br />slope was graded to create a flat pad for the barn and some other out buildings. <br />Prior Council Commitments <br />Mr. Dolan stated that the approvals of Bonde Ranch, Bridle Creek, and Sycamore Creek all <br />anticipated connections of the development of Lund Ranch II to connect to Sycamore <br />Creek Way, Sunset Creek Lane, or to both. He noted that they were designed that way, <br />signs were put up, and it was well -known that that was probably going to happen. He <br />added that notifications or disclosures were given to buyers, but there has been some <br />disputes about whether all phases of the development got those disclosures. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that there was also the North Sycamore Specific Plan which identified the <br />possibility of something called the East/West connector, which became either Sunset Creek <br />Lane or Sycamore Creek Way, that would provide access to the development on Lund <br />Ranch II. He noted that the Plan only said that there would be access provided from these <br />two streets; it did not say that would be the only access point, and some of these other <br />approvals did not say that would be the other access point either. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that the approvals of Bonde Ranch, Bridle Creek, and Sycamore Creek all <br />anticipate these connections; and going back even further, there is the approval of the <br />Ventana Hills subdivision. He noted that the design shows Lund Ranch Road stubbed out <br />in anticipation of an access at that point from Lund Ranch Road. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that the primary Council commitment involves a private agreement in <br />1991 between Shapell Industries, property owner of Bonde Ranch, and the Pleasanton <br />Heights Homeowners Association and Ventana Hills Steering Committee, a collection of <br />concerned residents in that neighborhood, which expressly prevented connection to Lund <br />Ranch Road. He indicated that during the review of the Bonde Ranch development, there <br />was this concern about the fact that Ventana Hills was going to have to take all this traffic, <br />so the deal was struck related to Middleton Place and between the parties that when Lund <br />Ranch II was developed, that traffic would not go through Ventana Hills on Lund Ranch <br />Road. He pointed out that the City was not a party to that agreement; however, it did adopt <br />and made reference to that agreement as a condition of approval of the Bonde Ranch <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 25, 2015 Page 17 of 46 <br />
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