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PC 022515
City of Pleasanton
PC 022515
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out Lund Ranch Road, which uses Junipero Street and Independence Drive and just a <br />little bit on Mission Drive. Given the directional distribution in place right now from some <br />of the Lunch Ranch Road established homes as well as what the traffic model predicts, <br />the directional distribution would be 180 head up towards Bernal Avenue using <br />Independence Drive, and 370 head west towards Sunol Boulevard using Junipero <br />Street and Mission Drive. <br />Scenario 3. This has two connections. The trip distribution would be based on whether <br />vehicles are traveling down 1 -680 or 1 -580, if they want to go Downtown, and so forth: 70 <br />using Independence Drive; 150 using Junipero Street/Mission Drive, and 130 and 200 <br />coming out the Sunset Creek Lane side. There is some variation on the 330 on Sunset <br />Creek Lane: whether it is 130 on Sunset Creek Lane and 200 on Hanifen Way, or if the <br />130 is really 150. A lot of it depends on how well one can see coming around corners, if <br />one likes to make left turns or right turns, or the traffic circles. <br />Scenario 6. This scenario is based on the Bonde Agreement where Livingston Place <br />would be closed and drivers on Middleton Place would have to then go down and <br />around and use Sunset Creek Lane for its exit. This has 550 project trips. The 15 <br />homes on Middleton Place would be assigned to also go down and use Sunset Creek <br />Lane. These are added to the 550, which gives the directional distribution: 270 on <br />Sunset Creek Lane and 420 on Sycamore Creek Way, for a total of 690 trips. <br />Commissioner Ritter inquired why Livingston Place was closed under Scenario 6. <br />Mr. Tassano replied that when Lund Ranch was developed back in the 1990s, there was <br />some concern about the design of how Lund Ranch II would come in. <br />Mr. Dolan explained that when Bonde Ranch came in, Ventana Hills was very concerned <br />about the traffic that would be coming through its neighborhood. He indicated that some <br />compromises were made when Bonde Ranch was approved, and one of them was to hook <br />up Middleton Place to Livingston Place but would be disconnected when Lund Ranch II <br />comes forward, and the 15 homes on Middleton Place will then be re- directed through Lund <br />Ranch II. He noted that the Middleton Place residents do not support this as they would be <br />routed down a longer route through Lund Ranch II and out to Sunset Creek Lane. He <br />noted that at one point, they filed a PUD amendment to the Bonde Ranch approval to <br />eliminate that condition. He added that while the City ultimately has the ability to do that, <br />staff's position is to consider this with the Lund Ranch II review. <br />Commissioner Piper asked Mr. Tassano to explain briefly the distribution if both Sunset <br />Creek Lane and Lund Ranch Road were open, and how staff arrived at the number of trips <br />going one way or the other way. <br />Mr. Tassano replied that every residential neighborhood has trips that go various places, <br />e.g., to the grocery, to work in Livermore, or down 1 -680 to Fremont. He explained that staff <br />then generates the percentages, using the City of Pleasanton's general percentages, and <br />assigns those based on where this project is located: for example, 33 percent travel south <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 25, 2015 Page 13 of 46 <br />
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