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PC 021115
City of Pleasanton
PC 021115
Entry Properties
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8/10/2017 4:43:42 PM
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8/10/2017 4:26:21 PM
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center because they can differ slightly from one another. She indicated, however, that it <br />is within the Commission's purview to put those uses in the other group. <br />Chair Allen confirmed with staff that it would not be an issue potentially if those uses <br />were added to non - retail. <br />Ms. Wallis confirmed that it would not be an issue. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br />Brad Blake, Applicant, Managing Partner of BHV CenterStreet Properties, LLC in <br />Danville, stated that Ms. Wallis has done a nice job of presenting the changes that they <br />had made to circulation, parking, landscaping, and architecture, based on the excellent <br />input from all five Commissioners at the Work Session. He indicated that in lieu of <br />making a presentation, he thinks it would be more productive to respond to any <br />questions, comments, or further suggestions the Commission may have. With respect <br />to the issue raised by Chair Allen regarding salon services, he stated that in <br />Asian - oriented centers, there may be more than one of these uses, but they would be <br />happy to accept a 5,000- square -foot restriction, given the size of the center. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that he had no questions but commented that he was <br />impressed with how much the applicant changed based on the input given by the <br />Commission at the Work Session. He noted that he was not thrilled about the two <br />stories, and that was dropped to one story. He thanked the applicant for the big <br />improvement, noting that the new look with some of the new materials has really <br />improved the design of the project. <br />Mr. Blake expressed his appreciation for Commissioner O'Connor's comments. He <br />noted that projects get better through the Work Session process and thanked their <br />architect for stepping out and taking the Commission's recommendations to heart. <br />Commissioner Nagler stated that he was not yet on the Commission during the Work <br />Session, but looking through the renderings and reading the staff report from the Work <br />Session, and then seeing the end result, he complimented the developers for being <br />responsive to the process, noting that the look and feel of this development very much <br />complements the geography of the area. <br />Mr. Blake thanked Commissioner Nagler and welcomed him to the Commission. <br />Chair Allen concurred with Commissioners O'Connor and Nagler that the design was <br />better, the landscape was improved, and there is more space on the meandering <br />sidewalk; she liked the connection to the park, dropping from two stories to one story, <br />and the single facilities, adding that she just really appreciated all the work that went on. <br />Chair Allen then stated that she just read an article from the February 11, 2014 <br />Business Wire about Tilted Kilt coming to the shopping center, and asked Mr. Blake is <br />that was true because it did not seem like the kind of place the City would like to see as <br />part of the entry gateway to Pleasanton. She indicated that she is not familiar with the <br />restaurant but based on what the article states, "An authentic pub fare and craft beer <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 11, 2015 Page 5 of 17 <br />
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