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PC 021214
City of Pleasanton
PC 021214
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Ms. Harryman stated that the yellow dots represent actual existing houses, and the <br />asterisks show where an existing home would be according to the Specific Plan. She <br />explained that the GIS map was overlaid with the Specific Plan map, and the yellow <br />dots show the exact location of the houses. She pointed out that the blobs or the <br />asterisks on the Specific Plan are pretty close to the existing homes, but they are not <br />precise. <br />Ms. Harryman stated that another example which speaks directly to the Berlogar <br />property and the issue being discussed is that the Berlogars were approved for three <br />homes in the Hillside Residential District, shown in the Specific Plan as the orange <br />semi - circle blob. She noted that although three homes are allotted in that blob, three <br />homes cannot actually fit there. She further noted that if the homes were placed <br />precisely where that blob is, and the GIS map is overlaid, a lot of trees will have to be <br />taken out, which is not what staff wants to do. She added that the blob is where <br />generally those who approved the Specific Plan thought those three homes should go, <br />and here, Mr. Berlogar is proposing only two homes. <br />Commissioner O'Connor noted that Mr. Berlogar is proposing two homes today and <br />inquired if he could add a third home later. <br />Ms. Harryman said yes. She added that Mr. Berlogar would have to come back to get <br />another lot split and go through all of this process again. <br />Commissioner Posson asked Ms. Harryman if what she is talking about is the same as <br />what Mr. Flashman is referring to on page 2 of his letter where he is pulling up an <br />excerpt from what looks like the Specific Plan about development areas as generally <br />depicted in the land use plan. <br />Ms. Harryman said yes. She stated that what staff is saying is that "generally depicted" <br />is illustrative and conceptual, more -or -less and not precise. She explained that staff has <br />presented the yellow dot which shows actually where the existing home was that the <br />Specific Plan was attempting to represent and was off by 100 or 200 feet. She <br />continued that in the proposed Berlogar plan, there is one parcel that fits within that GIS <br />overlaid blob with three homes allotted, with one that is a bit outside of that blob. She <br />noted that when the Specific Plan was approved, it did not have a topographic map or <br />that that level of detail. She recalled that one example is the Sarich home where the <br />blob issue was discussed, and it was determined that the blob was conceptual, based <br />on the desire to protect trees and other things. She noted that it is the same rationale <br />that is being considered with the Berlogar proposal now. <br />Commissioner Allen noted that Mr. Flashman's letter presented a third point that the <br />Vineyard Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and the Hillside Residential District criteria are <br />pretty clear about protecting ridgelines and specifically hilltops. She noted that she was <br />struck that when the Hillside Residential District was written, it only addressed <br />19 homes that it designated Hillside Residential. She added that it indicated that the <br />purpose of this designation is "to allow for a clustering of homes in well- defined areas of <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 12, 2014 Page 7 of 38 <br />
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