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Commissioner O'Connor stated that he thinks the only concern there is going to be the light <br />emitted from the site, and if it is all contained within the site, then it should not be an issue. <br />Mr. Dolan requested clarification that he understands that the Commission would like to <br />see a visual from ground looking east from the residential area to the proposed project. <br />Commissioner Posson replied that is correct. <br />D. Are the proposed signs acceptable? <br />Commissioner Pearce stated that they are within the 48 -foot height limit so they are fine, <br />except that she would like the consistent illumination style that staff has recommended, if at <br />all possible. <br />Commissioner Allen agreed completely with Commissioner Pearce. <br />Chair Olson stated that he agrees with the illumination point. He indicated that he is <br />actually wondering whether the monument sign is high enough. <br />Mr. Dolan said yes, it is plenty high. <br />Chair Olson stated that it shows a woman standing next to it. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that she is a very tall woman. <br />Chair Olson stated that he is fine with that. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that he is fine with the sign but that he would like to see <br />consistency if it is illuminated. <br />Commissioner Ritter stated that the sign looks good to him and he is fine with it. He <br />indicated that his only concern is its placement and wants to make sure that it does not <br />obstruct traffic coming in and out of the property. <br />Commissioner Posson stated that he supports staff's recommendations. <br />Chair Olson asked staff if they need any other input. <br />Mr. Dolan said no. <br />No action was taken. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 12, 2014 Page 34 of 38 <br />