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Ms. Piekarski stated that one other issue is Fairlands Elementary School, which is only <br />about a block to the east. She indicated that this school serves residents in the townhomes <br />and the apartments on the west side of Santa Rita Road, and many of those elementary <br />students walk to and from school. She noted that they cannot walk on the north side of <br />West Las Positas Blvd. and cross Santa Rita Road because there is no crosswalk there in <br />order to facilitate traffic leaving Hacienda Business Park. She stated that what these <br />children typically do is cross West Las Positas Blvd. where there is a stop sign and <br />crossing guards, then walk on the south side of West Las Positas Blvd. toward Santa Rita <br />Road. She noted that they will have to cross two residential streets, this exit from the <br />shopping center, and the exit at this proposed 7- Eleven before they can get to Santa Rita <br />Road and cross the street. She stated that she believes a significant increase in traffic <br />causes a danger to these young children as well as to the residents who live in the area. <br />She indicated that she strongly opposes this proposal and hopes that the Commission will <br />reject the proposed 7- Eleven. <br />Tiffany Driscoll stated that she has lived in the neighborhood directly behind the shopping <br />center and the gas station since 1975 and is very aware of the original property agreement <br />for that premises. She indicated that she knew there was a rebuild to the gas station in <br />1989 and that she believes they either wanted to sell liquor or go 24 hours at that time, but <br />were not allowed to do either. She stated that it seems to her that Roseberry is a <br />corporation and not a mom - and -pop store that the gas station used to be that represented <br />their neighborhood of Pleasanton Meadows. She added that it seems that Mr. Hirst is only <br />an investor and does not take the interest of Pleasanton residents into consideration. She <br />noted that it was mentioned that the notice that was passed out to the neighborhood went <br />to 200 residences. She indicated that she received the notice, but people she talked to <br />around the neighborhood did not receive notices or there were sporadic notices. She <br />added that the notices failed to notify the neighborhood that they intended to put in a <br />24 -hour store, which would be an amendment to the original agreement. <br />Ms. Driscoll stated that having a 7- eleven store at the entrance to a neighborhood is rather <br />tacky and that she does not think that is the image that Pleasanton is trying to portray. She <br />noted that there was a 7- Eleven also proposed for a gas station on First Street, and that <br />proposal was turned down. She indicated that she was sure that had everything to do with <br />property values of the Heritage neighborhood that was very close to there. She added that <br />if that was rejected in the Heritage neighborhood, she believes it should be the same all the <br />way across the board in Pleasanton and not just where the older Heritage homes are. <br />Ms. Driscoll stated that entering into Pleasanton off of 1 -580 coming in on Santa Rita Road <br />has no welcome to Pleasanton; there is no quaint little Main Street image that everyone <br />loves so much. She noted that they are the actual first neighborhood that is encountered <br />coming into Pleasanton from that side, and they just do not feel that having a 7- Eleven at <br />the entrance to their neighborhood is a very appealing way for visitors of the wine country <br />hoping to get to Pleasanton Main Street. She stated that they are a quiet neighborhood, <br />full of small children and a lot of homes with seniors and people who have lived there since <br />the 1970's who have chosen to retire there; and these people do not want a 7- Eleven. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 25, 2013 Page 8 of 45 <br />