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Mr. Ebrahimi replied that they are would do that. He then referred the Commission to <br />Sheet L1.0 of Exhibit B, which shows a row of six- to eight -feet tall shrubs at the bottom <br />all the way to the fence line; infill trees right at the fence line all the way along the <br />property line; and additional trees where the parking lot is located. He noted that there <br />are seven trees at the end of the parking bay, and they can plant an additional line of <br />trees about 15 feet in front of the trees that are on the property line. <br />Mr. Abed stated that Summerhill's original intent is to preserve as many trees as <br />possible on -site. He noted, however, that if staff prefers to see evergreen trees along <br />that edge, planting new evergreen trees would be definitely more advantageous as far <br />as screening then dealing with and preserving the existing trees. He indicated that <br />none of the existing trees are heritage trees so they are rather insignificant; they are in <br />average to good shape and definitely could be replaced. <br />Commissioner O'Connor clarified that he is not advocating taking the trees out but only <br />that if they are not in good shape or have died out, they be replaced with evergreen <br />trees rather than the same deciduous trees. <br />Mr. Abed agreed. <br />Mr. Ebrahimi stated that what they can do is plant evergreen trees in the second layer of <br />trees they are putting in to provide screening. <br />Commissioner Posson referred to the slide showing proposed heights versus existing <br />heights and inquired what the relative heights are of the existing buildings and those <br />proposed. <br />Mr. Ebrahimi replied that he believes the existing building is 22 feet high and the <br />proposed buildings are from 24 to 53 feet high, 53 feet being the four -story in the center <br />of the community and West Las Positas Boulevard. <br />Commissioner Posson commented that the difference would be from two feet to 28 feet. <br />Mr. Ebrahimi replied that was correct. <br />Commissioner Posson asked Mr. Ebrahimi what their plan was for community outreach <br />and for having continued dialogue with the residents. <br />Mr. Ebrahimi stated that he received a lot of email from the residents since their <br />neighborhood meeting, as well as those received by staff which Ms. Soo forwarded to <br />him. He indicated that he will be contacting all of them to see if they want to meet with <br />them for additional input, such as the type and location of trees to be installed. He <br />added that they would be more than willing to listen to other suggestions the neighbors <br />may have and would be more than happy to incorporate those suggestions into their <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 11, 2013 Page 9 of 27 <br />