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Commissioner Posson stated that on the energy side in the memo, he referenced the <br />California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) Energy Strategy, which includes some <br />elements about residential, including low- income, as well as some of the measures that <br />local governments can take in order to help get some additional independence. <br />Commissioner Posson stated that a few things have changed since April, one of which <br />is the St. Anton's Partner application which came before the Commission with around <br />190+ points, which is well above other applications that the Commission has <br />considered. He noted that Mr. Smith had indicated that the Energy and Environment <br />Committee is in the process of turning over due to term limits so he did not feel that the <br />group had gelled to the point where a joint review would make sense. He added that <br />the City is losing its Energy and Sustainability Manager at the end of the month, so with <br />that position no longer available, staffing for the Energy and Environment Committee <br />will not be there. <br />Chair Blank inquired if the loss is permanent. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that it is permanent for now. <br />Commissioner Posson stated that a few things have changed in comparing the two <br />applicants: the St. Anton project has tightened up a number of its elements by <br />committing to the electrical vehicle charging station, onsite electric generation for the <br />project's common area (a leasing building and community center), a commitment to <br />25 percent better than the Title 24 requirements, which is a significant stride forward, <br />and solar tube skylights for energy conservation. <br />Commissioner Posson stated that the real questions are: "What do we want to see ?" <br />"Which side of the scale do we want to see ?" "Do we want to move further with <br />additional requirements ?" He indicated that to pull this together, the initial suggestion <br />does not appear to be viable based on the changes in the Energy and Environment <br />Committee and City staffing. He noted that in their discussion, Mr. Dolan indicated that <br />Planning staff is intending to require the same type of energy and water conservation <br />measures as those of the St. Anton application for future multi - family projects coming <br />before the Planning Commission, and that the Planning Division intends to bring a <br />number of different ordinances before the Planning Commission for consideration to <br />implement elements of the Climate Action Plan. He stated, however, that there are still <br />a number of multi - family developments and other developments coming before the <br />Commission, and the question is what the Commission wants to do in the interim. He <br />stated that the real purpose of the discussion this evening is what approach the <br />Commission wants to take with respect to energy and water conservation for new <br />developments coming before this Commission. <br />Chair Blank commented that just listening to Commissioner Posson — and the <br />Commissioners who have been around for a while will know — reminds him of the <br />automatic sprinkler system. He stated that when he first got to the Commission, he saw <br />houses burn down because they did not have interior sprinklers. He noted that he just <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 12, 2013 Page 19 of 25 <br />