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Mr. DeBlasi stated that security actually searches these teens, not necessarily for drugs <br />or weapons, but for bubble gum, noting that the biggest problem they have had is <br />bubble gum all over the floor. He indicated that once everybody is in, the doors are <br />closed and no one else can come in. He noted that the club is not open all night for <br />people to come in; if it opens at 6:00 p.m. and it is full by 6:30 p.m., the doors are locked <br />so there are no people trying to get in and out. He added that the club counts <br />occupancy and once everybody is in, it does not continue to take money as the night <br />progresses. <br />Commissioner Posson inquired if this is done even if the club is not full. <br />Mr. DeBlasi replied that they would if they were not full. He stated that those who left <br />and then paid to get back in would probably be able to get back in if security did not <br />recognize them. He indicated, however, that they have never had that problem for the <br />22 years they have been in operation. He noted that they put stamps on their hands <br />and added that they can look further into it if necessary. <br />Commissioner Posson stated that he is very interested in the club's business concept <br />and asked Mr. DeBlasi who he sees as their competition in Pleasanton. <br />Mr. DeBlasi replied that he does not really see too much competition in Pleasanton <br />because of the demographics they are going after. He suggested that maybe <br />Cheesecake Factory for the food. He noted, however, that the club is a Mexican <br />seafood grill, but because it has a "non- compete" with Chili's next door, the club cannot <br />be more than 49 percent Mexican. He added that in Las Vegas, it is called "Coconut's <br />Beach Bar and Grill," but here in Pleasanton, it is called "Coconut's Beach Bar and <br />Seafood Grill," with emphasis on "Seafood." <br />Commissioner Posson inquired what the competition is in the Tri- Valley area if there is <br />none in Pleasanton. <br />Mr. DeBlasi replied that it could possibly be Scott's Seafood Restaurant in Walnut <br />Creek, but probably not either because the club will have a fun, interactive concept with <br />an electric surfboard inside. He indicated that it will be a fun, casual place where <br />people can go to, with great food and more casual dining. He stated that in their market <br />analysis, they did not really find anyone he could say would be their competition. He <br />noted that they are also going after different demographics during different parts of the <br />day; for example, they will be doing happy hour where they will really be going after the <br />local businesses, especially across the street in the business park; on Friday and <br />Saturday nights, they will go after the families for dinner; and during the daytime, they <br />will have families for birthday parties, similar to Chevy's which is very well known for <br />that, with pinatas and four -foot long burritos. <br />Commissioner Posson inquired how the concept of the restaurant turning into a <br />nightclub would work. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 27, 2013 Page 7 of 22 <br />