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Chair Blank stated that he could see someone saying that this has been approved and <br />has been in the General Plan for years, which was approved by the vote of the citizenry <br />at some point. He indicated that he is personally a little less troubled by the <br />grandfathering of those as he is by the general exception concept and that he does not <br />know how to reconcile those two. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that if it is the Commission's sentiment, it could leave in the language <br />about the PUDs and the Specific Plans and eliminate the exception process. <br />Commissioner Pearce asked the Commission what its role is in this process. She <br />recalled that the Commission struggled with Lund Ranch and asked the Council to <br />provide some direction, which the Council has done. She indicated that she came in to <br />the meeting this evening viewing the Commission's role as taking Council's direction <br />and staffs recommendation and making sure they lined up and clarifying things, as <br />opposed to saying the Commission does not like what the Council did and think the <br />Commission should change it. She stated that she wants to make sure the <br />Commissioners are all starting on the same place because her impression is that the <br />Commission asked for the Council's guidance, which the Council gave; therefore, the <br />Commission should make sure it is implementing that guidance as opposed to <br />completely pulling it apart. <br />Chair Blank stated that he does not disagree with that but that it was strictly an issue of <br />taking the Council's guidance and making sure what was written lined up with that <br />guidance, and the Council would not need to bring it back to the Commission to do that. <br />Commissioner O'Connor noted that Mr. Dolan had mentioned that the Council directed <br />that this be brought back to the Commission to see if it was in alignment with Council's <br />guidance. He added that the Council Minutes shows that the Council jumped around <br />quite a bit and there was not really any consensus. He noted that the Council must <br />have made two or three motions at one time, and now it has come back to the <br />Commission to give guidance to the Council. He pointed out that, as Ms. Ayala <br />mentioned, this is a different Council: three of the members who voted on these topics <br />are no longer there, and the members who will ultimately make the final decision have <br />differed somewhat. He added that he sees this as fair game and part of the <br />Commission's job to take what those five Councilmembers had to say and either accept <br />it, further tweak it, or repackage it for the new Council. <br />Commissioner Pearce stated that she felt like it was a threshold question that the <br />Commission needed to have a discussion about because she thinks the Commissioners <br />can differ in terms of the Commission's role, given the unique situation that it finds itself <br />in. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that as far as these two topics are concerned, he was <br />concerned, as former Councilmember Cindy McGovern was, as in her letter to the <br />Commission, she is trying to clarify what she thought she meant and it was not quite <br />reflected that way in the Minutes. He indicated that he agreed with the first thing <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 23, 2013 Page 17 of 44 <br />