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PC 112812
City of Pleasanton
PC 112812
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8/10/2017 3:19:55 PM
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8/10/2017 3:09:29 PM
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"1. The height of the houses nearing 30 feet, set back from the property line <br />only 15 feet, will make our house feel buried. We will not longer be able to <br />see the Pleasanton Ridge from our windows. Our privacy will be affected by <br />the second -story windows on the East side of the development. While the <br />Greenbriar Development, residents of Mission Park were allowed input to <br />ensure only single -story homes on certain lots where views and privacy <br />were an issue. On lots 6035 and 6068 on Sycamore Terrace, the neighbor <br />adjacent to 6035 in Mission Park and the neighbor adjacent of 6068 made <br />the developer do major grading to minimize damage to privacy and views. <br />The existing homes on the west end of Sycamore Road are single story. <br />Building two -story homes on top of each other is not consistent with the <br />NSSP to maintain the character of the existing neighborhood. <br />• Rural views should be preserved and a spacious transition <br />maintained between existing residences along the northern edge <br />of the Specific Plan area and new development in the Specific Plan <br />area, through the use of large lots, backyard setbacks and <br />single -story construction. <br />"2. Rear yard setback is set at 25 feet in the NSSP. On lots 2 and 3, the fence <br />along our property, in my opinion, is the rear yard, and these are not set <br />back 25 feet. This again is a privacy issue, also an issue for noise and light. <br />"3. With regard to construction hours, our family has lived through the building <br />of the so- called Independence Drive, the major Sunol Boulevard widening, <br />the building out of Greenbriar Development, and the grading and <br />subsequent building of sic more homes along our property line on the east <br />side of our home. The 446 Sycamore property has been built and torn <br />down, rebuilt and torn down, driveways poured and destructed. There has <br />been no thought to parking with these new projects. Our driveway has been <br />used for years by the property owners at 446 Sycamore Road even with <br />posted `No Trespassing' signs. I would like parking issues addressed for <br />this new development. I would like hours of construction limited to 9:00 a.m. <br />to 4:30 p.m. It has been like living in a war zone since the approval of the <br />NSSP. The noise level these past years has become unbearable for our <br />entire neighborhood. The house at 446 Sycamore Road was even used by <br />Police for practicing SWAT actions during demolition. These kinds of <br />incidents lead me to believe the City of Pleasanton does not care about <br />longtime folks that grew up in Pleasanton and care for and love their homes. <br />"4. Notice of this meeting was mailed very late and within the Thanksgiving Day <br />Holidays. This is a very important issue for my family. This time of year, it <br />was very difficult to get time off work to attend this meeting and especially <br />with such short notice. <br />"The NSSP is to <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, November 28, 2012 Page 28 of 38 <br />
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