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campus office so they relate together in a nice, cohesive way, and their design team did <br />a pretty good job of that. <br />Mr. Inderbitzen stated that they have spent quite a bit of time with Mr. Dolan and his <br />staff, who were very insightful, very helpful, and very cooperative in identifying issues <br />and working through those issues with them. He added that it was a pretty expeditious <br />process, and what took time was the City's process, including the updating of the <br />Housing Element. <br />Mr. Inderbitzen indicated that they are pretty much in agreement with just about <br />everything that staff has said about the project. He noted that they have worked <br />through virtually everything, including a good understanding of what the requested <br />exceptions are. He noted that he did not hear staff's support for the garage setbacks <br />but believes staff likes the way they dealt with that treatment. <br />Mr. Inderbitzen then introduced Padru Kang, Project Architect, from Dahlin Group; <br />David Gates, Landscape Architect, from Gates + Associates; Brock Roby, Project <br />Engineer, from BKF Engineers; and Todd Regonini and Brett Leon, Development <br />Managers from the Sares Regis Group. <br />Chair Pentin disclosed that he met with Mr. Inderbitzen regarding this project. <br />Commissioners Olson and Narum indicated that they have also met with <br />Mr. Inderbitzen. <br />John Thatch, Design Partner for Dahlin Group located at 5865 Owens Drive in <br />Pleasanton, stated that this site has been very important to them for several years. He <br />noted that working with Mr. Dolan Brian and his staff has gone far in really creating a <br />pedestrian atmosphere for the project. He indicated that the key on this site is that it is <br />in the middle of everything with apartments around it, parks such as the Paseo Park that <br />goes along the creek, a hospital, and all types of different retail and schools, making it <br />an ideal spot to create a mixed -use project and change the scale of Owens Drive to <br />make it more inviting and more pedestrian. <br />Mr. Thatch stated that what they have achieved and are doing on the site is creating <br />connections back to the center, to the office park, to the retail, and the creek. He added <br />that the 1.5 -mile trail surrounding the whole site will also make connections to the parks <br />and the paseos and will enhance the project. He indicated that creating the corner <br />plaza can engage more pedestrian activities so that it is more people- activated on that <br />edge. He continued that coming down the street, they created the architecture that <br />brings the entries closer to the street to make it more interesting as well as an <br />interesting drive street line that relates back to the center and makes the connection to <br />the corporate center. <br />Mr. Thatch stated that they have the taller building, the podium building, farther down, <br />which is set a little bit farther back. He added that they have also created a plaza and <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, October 10, 2012 Page 6 of 19 <br />