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East Pleasanton Soecific Plan Task Force <br />Commissioner Narum stated that the East Pleasanton Specific Plan Task Force met <br />and reviewed opportunities and constraints of the land and the area. She noted that the <br />most interesting part was the discussion by Zone 7 about how the Chain of Lakes will <br />work in the scheme of providing drinking water as well as what it is willing to allow with <br />those lakes but mostly not allowing at this point. She added that she does not think is <br />going to be any water scheme. <br />Commissioner Olson inquired if there will be any fishing. <br />Commissioner Narum replied that she did not think there will be any fishing allowed <br />Commissioner Narum stated that this was the first meeting of substance and it was a <br />good meeting. She noted that there was a lot of discussion, a lot of interest in the <br />community, and that there will probably be more people actually attending the meetings <br />than members of the Task Force. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired if there will be no public access to any of the water in <br />that Chain of Lakes. <br />Commissioner Narum replied that was sort of the indication they got from Zone 7 but <br />that they did say they were interested in ideas, uses for the community that the Task <br />Force might want to take a look at. She added that Lakes H and I appear to be <br />basically for groundwater recharge for drinking water. <br />Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Trails Committee <br />Chair Pentin stated that the Bicycle and Pedestrian Trails Committee approved the trail <br />at Valley Avenue and Sunol Boulevard that moves down to the Alameda Transportation <br />Corridor. He indicated that the trail is currently next door to Richert Lumber but will be <br />moved across the canal along Valley Avenue because of a bank problem. He added <br />that it will cost about $110,000 and that there were some Measure B funds available for <br />that. <br />Chair Pentin then stated that the funds that is not being used for the bicycle <br />undercrossing at 1- 580/1 -680 will be used to pave different sections of the Arroyo Mocho <br />at Stoneridge Drive towards Staples Ranch, using different composites and crushed <br />aggregates that is actually quite nice, or a type of a aerated concrete that drains that <br />looks very promising, to test to see what might work better. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, October 10, 2012 Page 18 of 19 <br />