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Commissioner O'Connor stated that his only concern is flexibility in the shared parking. <br />He indicated that he would rather see more than less; not that it is going to be required, <br />but just a concern for the future in the event it is required and knowing that there is <br />something there; and if it is not needed, then it is not needed. <br />Commissioner Olson stated that he is fine with both questions. He added that <br />Mr. Dolan's comments regarding shared parking were spot on and hopes that the <br />project gets there on shared parking. <br />Commissioner Narum echoed all that has been said and added that she would much <br />rather have the shared parking and allow more open space here than adding in its own <br />parking and having to give up some of the open space in the center of that podium <br />building. She noted that it is a good concept and she is fine with it. <br />Chair Pentin concurred with Commissioner Narum. He stated that if it goes the shared <br />parking route, and if the shared parking were to be increased to create more open <br />space with the idea that if it ever came to that point, some of that may be reduced, he is <br />good with that. <br />D. Are the proposed on -site recreation facilities and amenities acceptable? <br />Commissioner O'Connor said he was fine with them. <br />Commissioners Olson, Narum, and Pearce said yes. <br />Commissioner Blank stated that he thinks they are pretty good. He commented that he <br />saw only one tot lot in the area, and that seemed a little light to him. He noted that there <br />might be an opportunity in Building P where there is that big area, not necessarily to put <br />in a play structure but to have a recreational area where kids could play. He pointed out <br />that residents living in Building P would have to go all the way over to the other side to <br />where Building C is. <br />Chair Pentin stated he was fine with the on -site recreational facilities and amenities, <br />with the addition of Commissioner Blank's comments. <br />E. Are the building designs, colors and materials, and heights acceptable? <br />Commissioner Blank stated that, as everyone knows, he is really big on the Pleasanton <br />look, but people also know that he backed away from that with the Transit - Oriented <br />Developments (TOD) because obviously, it is different than the Pleasanton look. He <br />stated that overall, he is generally fine with this. He requested that when the project <br />comes back to the Commission for the hearing, he would like to actually get to see <br />visuals. He noted that Safeway had great visuals where they actually had people <br />driving around the parking lots so the Commission could see how the buildings look and <br />what the viewscapes were. He noted that it really helps the Commission and the public <br />to get a good handle of what it is going to look like. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, October 10, 2012 Page 13 of 19 <br />