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PC 101012
City of Pleasanton
PC 101012
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day and most residents would be gone. He noted that the last people coming back <br />home to the apartment building will be there well after the office has cleared out. He <br />added that if the applicant would have asked for more shared parking, staff would have <br />considered it because this is a good opportunity to take advantage of that concept. <br />Padru Kang, Project Architect, Dahlin Group, stated that at a higher density of 35 units <br />versus a minimum of 30 for the other eight sites, this project has a unique opportunity to <br />actually share the parking just north of the site. He noted that, as Mr. Dolan mentioned, <br />it does make sense when it is shared with office, and they would never propose to do <br />any kind of shared parking with retail. <br />Mr. Kang then briefly went through some of the items staff had mentioned in the report. <br />He indicated that staff did a great job and that he enjoyed working with staff as well. He <br />noted that the Design Guidelines is a great document and that they understand that the <br />intent is to really try and maintain the high quality standards that the existing Pleasanton <br />neighborhoods have, which is difficult with a high- density workforce housing. <br />Mr. Kang stated that what they are trying to do is put parking where it is really needed. <br />He noted that they really do not have any other opportunities than trying to park around <br />the central hub, and they have taken staff's consideration to widen the roadway from the <br />standard 21 feet to 24 feet, consistent with what is on the back side of the alley. He <br />added that they looked at doing some enhanced paving there to make it feel less like a <br />parking lot and more like an auto plaza. <br />Mr. Kang stated that they would like a bit of flexibility with the exception regarding <br />setting the garage door two feet back to enable them to carry some of the design <br />around. He indicated that that are focusing on 360- design elements and want to wrap <br />that around to the back side where they have opportunities to really play with some <br />articulation and the alleyways are not highly visible. He added that the retail is also <br />designed to be 360 in terms of architecture, out on the corner of the street near the <br />intersection, with the driveway and circulation on one side. He noted that there is a <br />higher tower element with storefront essentially on all four sides and that visibility is not <br />necessarily a factor with the design as it is a stand -alone retail. <br />Mr. Inderbitzen offered one specific comment regarding the retail plaza area. He <br />indicated that he hears Commissioner Blank's concern about somebody going to sit out <br />there and drink coffee, and his response to that is to drive by Peet's Coffee at the corner <br />of Hopyard Road and Valley Avenue where people are not loathed to sit out and drink <br />coffee while cars are going by. He noted that this could not be any worse as it is a <br />much bigger plaza and much more protected, even though it is on the corner. He <br />added that there is a right -turn opportunity there which opens up the plaza area, and <br />they have separated the retail buildings so people can pass through there, making it <br />much more useful and much more of an opportunity to activate that retail area and <br />make it much more inviting. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, October 10, 2012 Page 10 of 19 <br />
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