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Nancy McKain stated that she and her sister are taxpayers and business owners in <br />Downtown Pleasanton and that they are wholly in favor of the Guidelines and the <br />amendments recommended by the PDA. She noted that the Downtown area <br />desperately needs to be revitalized so as to make it a destination, and by doing that, the <br />proverbial doors will be kept open. She added that in this economy, it is important to <br />make the turn and thanked the Task Force members for their great work. <br />Commissioner Olson asked Ms. McKain what her business is. <br />Ms. McKain replied that she sells fashion jewelry at The Bracelet Bar, and her sister <br />owns Serenity Stoneworks on Main Street. <br />Charles Huff, a Downtown resident, stated that he and his family came to Pleasanton in <br />1980 and bought their first house in Pleasanton Valley, and over the years when their <br />children were raised and went off to college, they decided to move Downtown. He <br />stated that they live about 275 feet higher than Main Street, so they hear everything, <br />including the car shows at the Fairgrounds, 1 -580 and 1 -680 traffic, but they knew what <br />we were getting into when they moved Downtown. <br />Mr. Huff stated that it is good to feel a part of the Downtown and that his family enjoys <br />its vitality. He noted that back in the late 70's and early 80's, it was a little risky to go <br />Downtown, which had about two or three restaurants and nothing else. He noted that <br />the Downtown has really prospered quite a bit since because of the vitality being talked <br />about tonight. He indicated that they are happy to be in the Downtown area, and part of <br />that is because of the various restaurants that have moved in. He noted that they can <br />hear bands playing, but it is just part of being here. He stated that they are not <br />interested in discussing decibel levels because they know why they are living in the <br />Downtown area and hope that people who have moved to the Downtown from other <br />areas will tolerate that. <br />Christine Bourg stated that she was a member of the Task Force. She indicated that it <br />was no secret that it seemed to be not necessarily equally divided among people who <br />had business interests and those who were residents; however, all their meetings were <br />very congenial, and opinions were listened to. She added that Ms. Ott did a good job of <br />trying to explain things and giving the members enough time. She stated that she <br />thinks there were concerns among the five people who voted "no" that were concerns <br />about taking this too quickly too soon. <br />Ms. Bourg stated that she loves living Downtown, she likes all the activities although <br />she thinks there are a lot of special events that are growing a little too fast, and she <br />enjoys the Farmers' Market and being able to walk Downtown to wonderful restaurants. <br />Ms. Bourg stated that she supports more vitality Downtown but is concerned about the <br />negative impact on residents who live Downtown in the Core Area as well as those who <br />live in the surrounding neighborhoods, particularly that Transition Area on the west side. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 12, 2012 Page 20 of 35 <br />