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Subdivider, then the General Contractor will provide the City with said certificate of worker's <br /> compensation insurance prior to start of construction. <br /> 11. Hold Harmless Agreement. Subdivider hereby agrees to and shall indemnify, defend and hold <br /> harmless the City, its elective and appointive officials, Commissions, officers, agents, and <br /> employees (collectively the "indemnities"), harmless from any liability for damage or claims for <br /> damage for personal injury, including death, as well as from claims from property damage which <br /> may arise, or allege to arise, from Subdivider's, Subdivider's contractors', subcontractors', agents', <br /> or employees' operation under this Agreement in performance of the work on the site. In addition to <br /> the above: <br /> A. That City does not, and shall not, waive any rights against Subdivider which it may have by <br /> reason of the aforesaid hold-harmless agreement, because of the acceptance by City, or the <br /> deposit with City by Subdivider, of any of the insurance policies described herein. <br /> B. That the aforesaid hold-harmless agreement by Subdivider shall apply to all damages and <br /> claims for damages of every kind suffered, or alleged to have been suffered, by reason of <br /> any of the work referred to in this Agreement, regardless of whether or not City has <br /> prepared, supplied or approved of, plans or specifications for the work, or regardless of <br /> whether or not such insurance policies shall have been determined to be applicable to any of <br /> such damages or claims for damages. <br /> 12. Insurance. Subdivider further agrees to fulfill the following: <br /> A. Provide a Certificate of Insurance issued to the City of Pleasanton from its insurance carrier <br /> providing proof of Workers' Compensation as required by California law and Policy <br /> Number. If the General Contractor is not the Subdivider,then the General Contractor will <br /> also provide the City with the said Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance prior to <br /> start of work. <br /> B. Provide a Certificate of Insurance from its insurance carrier showing the amount of General <br /> Liability and Property Damage coverage with Insurance coverage of at least the following <br /> amounts: <br /> GENERAL LIABILITY <br /> General Bodily Injury of$2,000,000 Per Occurrence <br /> General Property Damage of$1,000,000 Per Occurrence, <br /> AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY <br /> Bodily Injury of$1,000,000 <br /> Per Person/$1,000,000 Per Occurrence <br /> Property Damage of$ 1,000,000 Per Occurrence or <br /> Combined Single Limit on Bodily Injury and <br /> Property Damage Liability of$1,000,000. <br /> C. All insurance companies affording coverage to the Subdivider under the polices referred to <br /> in B., above, shall be required to add the City of Pleasanton as an "additional insured" under <br /> Subdivision Agreement <br /> Tract 8317,Rose Avenue Estates by Ponderosa Homes Page 4 of 6 <br />