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Discussion <br /> Health &Safety Interests. Negative health impacts from secondhand smoke are scientifically accepted <br /> and well documented. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that: "Cigarette <br /> smoking kills more than 480,000 Americans each year, with more than 41,000 of these deaths from <br /> exposure to secondhand smoke." <br /> Cities are permitted to adopt rules to protect the public health, safety and welfare,' such as smoking <br /> restrictions. <br /> Other Communities. Smoking restrictions in other cities are summarized as follows: <br /> Danville adopted an ordinance in Nov. 2015 banning smoking (including medical marijuana and <br /> e-cigarettes) in multifamily residential projects with three or more units such as townhouses, <br /> condominiums and apartments. Smoking is prohibited inside all units, all indoor and outdoor areas <br /> (pools, gyms, parking lots, laundry rooms, halls, etc.), balconies, patios, porches, and within 25' of <br /> entryways, units, balconies, patios and other common areas. The ordinance allows owners to decide if <br /> they want smoking areas (at least 25' from non-smoking areas). <br /> Dublin adopted an ordinance in 2008 that phased-in a requirement that at least 75% of multiunit <br /> residences (defined as containing 16 or more units for rent) be non-smoking units and physically <br /> separated from units where smoking is allowed. Smoking restrictions must be disclosed in leases. <br /> Livermore has no restrictions on smoking in multifamily residences. <br /> San Ramon adopted an ordinance in 2013 regulating smoking in multifamily housing <br /> developments with two or more units, including duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, apartments, townhomes <br /> and condominiums. It has significant exceptions for owners / managers of multifamily housing units to <br /> still decide whether to allow smoking inside of a unit, and outside with limits (25 feet from other units <br /> and common areas used by kids or for physical activity). <br /> Walnut Creek adopted an ordinance in 2013 providing that those who live in multifamily <br /> residences (two or more units), including apartments, condos and townhomes, are not allowed to <br /> smoke tobacco inside their units, nor in the unenclosed common areas outside of their residences <br /> (unless in a designated smoking area located at least 25' from where smoking is prohibited). <br /> Outreach to Apartment Owners and Managers. Over 200 owners and managers of apartment <br /> complexes in Pleasanton, as well as rental housing associations, were invited to provide <br /> recommendations regarding smoking restrictions. Meetings took place on March 22nd and 28`", and <br /> staff has also been speaking with individual owners and managers by phone and email. <br /> The majority of owners who contacted the City support a prohibition of smoking cigarettes, e-cigarettes, <br /> and marijuana at apartments. And, most of them advise that they already prohibit their tenants from <br /> smoking within their own properties. One owner prohibits smoking inside of the apartments, but allows <br /> smoking outside. Most of these owners represent projects with 20 or fewer apartment units. <br /> See California Constitution article XI, §7. <br /> Page - 2 - <br />