The City receives 80% of its water supply from Zone 7 and the other 20% from City owned and
<br /> operated wells. The following table summarizes the Water Operations and Maintenance Fund for
<br /> the three years ending FY 2017/18.
<br /> Water Operations and Maintenance (O&M)
<br /> FY 2016/17
<br /> Midyear FY 2017/18 % FY 2018/19 %
<br /> Water (O&M) Budget Projected Change Projected Change
<br /> July 1, Beginning Fund Balance $8,567,549 $8,500,277 $5,389,338
<br /> Revenues 20,490,700 21,900,611 6.9% 22,938,363 4.7%
<br /> Expenses
<br /> Zone 7 Purchased Water 12,500,000 13,787,510 10.3% 13,745,990 -0.3%
<br /> All other expenses 6,547,270 6,936,155 5.9% 6,965,539 0.4%
<br /> Total Expenses 19,047,270 20,723,665 8.8% 20,711,529 -0.1%
<br /> Net Transfer In/Out (1,510,702), (4,287,885) (1,512,000)
<br /> Net Income ($67,272) ($3,110,939) $714,834
<br /> June 30, Ending Fund Balance $8,500,277 $5,389,338 $6,104,172
<br /> Sewer Fund
<br /> Sewer revenues are expected to increase by 1.7% in FY 2017/18 and increase by 1.5% in FY
<br /> 2018/19. Expenses in the Sewer Fund are increasing by 0.3% in FY 2017/18 and 0.3% in FY
<br /> 2018/19. The City is not anticipating any increases, other than the allowable annual CPI
<br /> (Consumer Price Index) increase in local city sewer fees. However, a majority of the customers'
<br /> sewer fees are the regional sewer fees charged by DSRSD. The Budget assumes DSRSD fees
<br /> will decrease by 3.0% in FY 2017/18 and remain the same in FY 2018/19. The 11.2% increase in
<br /> All other expenses category is related to savings from vacant positions captured in FY 2016/17
<br /> Midyear Budget that the FY 2017/18 Budget assumes are filled. The following table summarizes
<br /> the Sewer Operations and Maintenance Fund for the three years ending FY 2018/19.
<br /> Sewer Operations and Maintenance (O&M)
<br /> FY 2016/17
<br /> Midyear FY 2017/18 % FY 2018/19 %
<br /> Sewer (O&M) Budget Projected Change Projected Change
<br /> July 1, Beginning Fund Balance $5,313,376 $5,232,933 $5,369,929
<br /> Revenues 14,137,000 14,383,000 1.7% 14,593,000 1.5%
<br /> Expenses
<br /> DSRSD 10,050,000 9,750,000 -3.0% 9,750,000 0.0%
<br /> All other expenses 3,048,743 3,390,304 11.2% 3,426,239 1.1%
<br /> Total Expenses 13,098,743 13,140,304 0.3% 13,176,239 0.3%
<br /> Net Transfer In/Out (1,118,700) (1,105,700) -1.2% (1,101,700) -0.4%
<br /> Net Income ($80,443) $136,996 $315,061
<br /> June 30, Ending Fund Balance $5,232,933 $5,369,929 $5,684,990
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