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budgets. She also addressed CaIPERS challenges, including new policies to accelerate pension <br /> contributions, additional annual payments, liabilities and prepayments. <br /> Mayor Thorne clarified that this is just a review of the budget and Council is not approving it now. <br /> In reply to Councilmember Olson's question regarding an increase in Sales Tax in 2018/2019, <br /> Director of Finance Olson stated the City's consultant developed projections based on various <br /> sectors of the economy, and while it is not perfect, staff will continue to monitor it and make <br /> adjustments that will be presented during the mid-year budget review. <br /> Mayor Thorne noted that much of the sales tax difficulties are due to internet sales and Director of <br /> Finance Olson added that people are shopping at the Livermore Outlet. <br /> Discussion followed regarding the status of internet sales updates. City Manager Fialho explained <br /> internet sales tax money goes into a County pool (which has been growing). This should be <br /> corrected with legislation but is not there yet. He addressed money allocated for CIP projects, but <br /> noted it does not come close to maintaining the City's infrastructure deficit. <br /> Councilmember Pentin commented on the surplus for 2018/2019 and noted it does not account <br /> for the increase from CaIPERS when the rate is reduced. <br /> Discussion followed regarding the impacts of CaIPERS expenditures on the City's surplus. City <br /> Manager Fialho added that staff is waiting for CaIPERS actuarial numbers and will present a <br /> report to City Council in August or September. He added the City will not feel a real impact until <br /> year three (2019/2020). <br /> Mayor Thorne pointed out that other cities are less fortunate and are concerned with avoiding <br /> bankruptcy. <br /> Director of Finance Olson reported there will be a mid-term budget in 2018/2019 and at that point, <br /> staff present options regarding funding. <br /> Councilmember Brown noted that by prepaying a large share of money in June, two years ago, <br /> the City saved $23 million and stressed that prepayment is an important idea in prefunding the <br /> PERS debt, as it will save the City a lot of money. She asked about the line item relative to <br /> printing and film development and Director of Finance Olson reported it is the cost of printing the <br /> City's newsletter and other publications. Councilmember Brown stated she wants to make sure <br /> the City is doing everything it can to prepay its PERS debt. In response to her inquiry, City <br /> Manager Fialho reported in the case of 2016/2017, at the mid-year mark, staff released revenues <br /> were coming in higher than what was projected. Staff took the surplus at mid-year and did a <br /> prepayment. He added that projections, for the next two years, show that, if the City is going to <br /> meet its commitment ($5 million per year into the CIP), there is no surplus. If there is a surplus, it <br /> will be used towards a prepayment towards PERS. He added various options will be considered <br /> before presenting a recommendation to City Council. <br /> Director of Finance Olson reported PERS discount rates are not set in stone and staff would like <br /> to evaluate the matter once it has more information. <br /> Councilmember Brown wondered if the City has a spending problem and stressed the importance <br /> of being fiscally careful. <br /> Director of Finance Olson presented details of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) including <br /> funding status, categories, and the process. A comparison of available CIP financial resources by <br /> City Council Minutes Page 6 of 8 June 6,2017 <br />