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CITY OF PLEASANTON <br /> CITY COUNCIL <br /> REGULAR MEETING MINUTES <br /> May 2, 2017 <br /> Vice Mayor Pentin called the regular meeting to order at the hour of 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Brown <br /> led the pledge of allegiance and provided opening remarks. <br /> ROLL CALL <br /> Present: Councilmembers Brown, Narum, Olson, Pentin, Mayor Thorne <br /> Absent: None <br /> AGENDA AMENDMENTS <br /> Consent Item No. 11 was pulled from the agenda and has been continued to May 16, 2017. <br /> CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> Mayor Thorne opened public comments. Seeing and hearing no one wishing to address the City <br /> Council, Mayor Thorne closed public comments. <br /> City Manager <br /> 1. Approved minutes of March 7 and 21, 2017 <br /> Community Development <br /> 2. Actions of the Zoning Administrator and Planning Commission <br /> 3. Waived full reading and adopted Resolution No. 17-926 approving the Annual Progress Report <br /> on implementation of the General Plan Housing Element for calendar year 2016 and authorized <br /> submittal to the California Department of Housing and Community Development and the <br /> Governor's Office of Planning and Research <br /> 4. Ratified the appointment of Harpreet Singh Judge as the Pleasanton Downtown Association <br /> alternate to the Downtown Specific Plan Task Force <br /> 5. Waived second reading and adopted Ordinance No. 2161 for P16-1900, City of Pleasanton, <br /> amendment to the Pleasanton Municipal Code to comply with State legislation for second <br /> (accessory) dwelling units <br /> Engineering <br /> 6. Accepted public improvements performed by Cleary Bros. Landscape, Inc. for the Bernal Property <br /> Off Leash Dog Park, CIP No. 14734; authorized the City Clerk to file a notice of completion, the <br /> payment of retention in the amount of $29,835.20; and appropriated $13,461 from the Park <br /> Dedications Fee Fund to said project <br /> 7. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute a professional services agreement with <br /> Arch-Pac, Inc. in the amount of$100,00 for architectural design services for the Dolores Bengtson <br /> Aquatic Center Locker Rooms Renovation project <br />