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Discussion followed regarding whether fencing is part of the design. It was noted that staff will <br /> take landscaping and fencing out to bid and return to the City Council for final approval. <br /> Councilmember Brown stressed the need to be clear as far as requiring that the building, fencing <br /> and landscape be visually pleasing. <br /> Councilmember Narum agreed with Councilmember Brown and stated fencing should not be <br /> chain-linked and that the design should fit in with other structures in the park. <br /> The original motion passed by the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Councilmembers Brown, Narum, Olson, Vice Mayor Pentin <br /> Noes: None <br /> Absent: Mayor Thorne <br /> 16. Public Hearing: P16-1900, City of Pleasanton - Consider introduction of an ordinance <br /> amending the Pleasanton Municipal Code to comply with State legislation for accessory (Second) <br /> dwelling units (ADU) <br /> Adam Weinstein, Planning Manager, presented details of the staff report addressing recent ADU <br /> legislation, City policies, ADU examples, Junior ADU examples, and concerns regarding ADUs, <br /> benefits of ADUs, approved/permitted ADUs between 2011 and 2017, distribution of ADUs <br /> throughout the City, barriers to entry, proposed amendments and proposed ordinance <br /> amendments. <br /> In response to Councilmember Narum's question, Mr. Weinstein reported the City does not have <br /> the ability to eliminate the parking waivers required by the State but the City can adopt the JADU <br /> part of the ordinance. <br /> Director of Community Development Gerry Beaudin reported JADUs are already being built in the <br /> City and the City Council has the discretion to allow for ADUs that are detached, attached or <br /> JADUs. The ordinance would set a size limit on the overall ADU. <br /> Discussion followed regarding differences between ADUs and JADUs. <br /> Mr. Weinstein continued presenting the staff report addressing transit definition options, Planning <br /> Commission action, summary and recommendations. <br /> In reply to Councilmember Olson's request, Mr. Weinstein commented on how the matter relates <br /> to the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA). He reported that the State allows cities to <br /> count ADUs towards their RHNA obligations. <br /> Councilmember Brown noted challenges with meeting high-density RHNA obligations. In reply to <br /> her inquiry, Mr. Weinstein reported the City is making its ordinance conform to State law. He <br /> stated units are dispersed throughout the City and there has been no parking issue with ADUs in <br /> the City. He added that, depending on what transit option the City Council approves, ADUs may <br /> or may not be allowed in the downtown area. <br /> Discussion followed regarding prohibiting Air BNB and short-term temporary rentals in the City <br /> and enforcement of such policies. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 4 of 8 April 18, 2017 <br />