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MOTION: It was m/s by Narum/Olson, to reject the bid received for this project. Motion passed by <br /> the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Councilmembers Brown, Narum, Olson, Mayor Thorne <br /> Noes: None <br /> Absent: Councilmember Pentin <br /> MOTION: It was m/s by Brown/Narum to approve Phase 2, as designed. <br /> Councilmember Narum offered a friendly amendment to direct staff to ensure that trash, mail and <br /> safety issues are worked out and monitor intersections for traffic, visibility and safety. <br /> In reply to Councilmember Brown's question, Director of Engineering Stephen Kirkpatrick <br /> addressed mail delivery and refuse service. <br /> Councilmember Brown accepted the friendly amendment. <br /> Mayor Thorne stated he wants to ensure that the Roberts get the service they need and indicated <br /> he would support the motion. <br /> Councilmember Olson stated he wants to ensure that on the trail, as people approach the steep <br /> hill on Silver Oaks Lane, appropriate signs and markings are implemented to increase public <br /> safety. He stated he would support the motion. <br /> Motion passed by the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Councilmembers Brown, Narum, Olson, Mayor Thorne <br /> Noes: None <br /> Absent: Councilmember Pentin <br /> Relative to Phase 3, Councilmember Brown noted seeing benefits to having one-way out on <br /> Machado Court. <br /> Mayor Thorne stated he would like to see other options for Phase 3 other than directing staff to <br /> proceed, especially considering concerns that have been raised by residents. <br /> Councilmember Narum agreed with Mayor Thorne's statement. <br /> It was noted the matter will be sent to the Planning Commission which will then make a <br /> recommendation to the City Council. <br /> MOTION: It was m/s by Narum/Brown, to direct staff to prepare options to present to the Planning <br /> Commission knowing that it may require a Specific Plan Amendment or a PUD modification, and <br /> making recommendations to City Council. Motion passed by the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Councilmembers Brown, Narum, Olson, Mayor Thorne <br /> Noes: None <br /> Absent: Councilmember Pentin <br /> MATTERS INITIATED BY COUNCIL <br /> Councilmember Narum requested a short presentation on the status of widening Hwy. 84 to HOV <br /> lanes. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 6 of 7 May 16, 2017 <br />