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Several attendees expressed concerns about traffic issues they felt would require some <br /> changes to the plan. Resident's comments are noted below. <br /> Mark Paul, 2277 Vineyard Heights Lane — expressed concern about the steepness of Three <br /> Oaks Drive and traffic that will be descending over the pedestrian way. He felt this would be a <br /> major issue and was afraid it would be the location of a severe accident. Mr. Paul did not feel <br /> that placement of a stop-sign would be sufficient. <br /> Mr. Gruber noted the concern would be written into the Staff Report and Mr. Tassano advised <br /> that he would visit the area and then try to provide some suitable solutions. <br /> Leon Donn, 2297 Vineyard Heights Lane — agreed with concerns raised by Mr. Paul and felt <br /> this was an area that needed to be addressed, especially to make it safe for children and <br /> pedestrians. <br /> Mr. Nelkie provided information on how this has been addressed in other areas with similar <br /> grades and agreed that staff would again look at this area and see what alternatives can be <br /> considered. He commented on how everyone needs to be properly informed on changes that <br /> will be made, and noted that closing of the road in question was something that should have <br /> been brought to the City's attention when the development project was in the planning stage. <br /> Mary Roberts, 1666 Frog Mill Lane — felt walkers and hikers need to be made aware of the <br /> safety concerns and signage needs to be put in place for people using the trail. She would like <br /> residents to have a choice of ways they can exit. Ms. Roberts expressed concerns about <br /> traffic issues from future developments in the area. She felt that people enjoyed using this trail <br /> because of its openness. <br /> Kevin Reedy, 1333 Montrose Place — commented on termination of the trail before Vineyard <br /> and questioned why there was no funding for the last 50-yards of trail along Machado to <br /> connect to the trail along Vineyard. <br /> Mr. Nelkie advised this is a budget issue and that funding was only available for the amount of <br /> trail proposed. If additional funding is available in the city's budget based on bid results then <br /> consideration would be given to continuing the trail for the remaining area. He advised that <br /> staff's intent is to complete as much of the trail as possible with the funding available. <br /> Ken & Pam Chrisman, 1944 Three Oak Drive — noted changes to the area from Silver Oaks to <br /> Pietronave/Vineyard Terrace would mean removal of the traffic signal and cause issues with <br /> accessibility. Mrs. Chrisman asked about paving of the trail, possibility of including speed <br /> bumps, and trail gate openings being sufficient for horses to go through. <br /> Mr. Nelkie advised that the gates would include 48" wide openings with clear access adjacent <br /> to the gate. He also discussed trip hazards with Mrs. Chrisman and advised that staff would <br /> review and make recommendations. Mr. Gruber advised that there was no plan to remove the <br /> traffic signal at PietonaveNineyard. <br /> Old Vineyard Avenue Trail—Neighborhood Meeting Summary Notes <br /> March 2, 2017 <br /> Page 2 <br />