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varying opinions regarding whether the old roadway conversion project should be <br /> implemented. Staff requests that the City Council consider this information, take public <br /> comment, and make a determination whether the trail should be constructed consistent <br /> with the VCSP, or whether the VCSP should be revisited and potentially amended in a <br /> public process to address the resident concerns. If it is determined that the trail should be <br /> constructed as planned, the project will be re-bid either later this year, or packaged with <br /> the upcoming street resurfacing project. If the Council determines the VCSP should be <br /> revisited, that process will dictate if/when the trail project is constructed. <br /> Submitted by: Reviewe by: Approve y: <br /> /kJ <br /> Stephen irkpatrick Tina Olson Nelson Fialho <br /> Director of Engineering Director of Finance City Manager <br /> Attachments: <br /> 1. Graphic showing trail boundaries and construction phases <br /> 2. Neighborhood meeting summary, dated March 2, 2017 <br /> 3. Email correspondence between Mr. Mark Paul and Director of Engineering Steve <br /> Kirkpatrick <br /> Page 6 of 6 <br />